Graduates 2022

Graduates 2022

Graduates 2022
Image: Designed by slidesgo/; bearbeitet von Claudia Hilbert

Video of the Graduation Ceremony on 4 November 2022

The graduation ceremony took place on 4 November 2022, 11:00-13:00 in the auditorium. You can watch the video here soon.


  • Musical prelude with Solo ensemble of Brass Band Blechklang
  • Welcome by the dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt
  • Award ceremonies and short lectures on final theses
  • Musical interlude with Solo ensemble of Brass Band Blechklang
  • Presentation of certificates (with the Dean of Student Affairs Prof. Dr Sebastian Henn)
  • Musical final with Solo ensemble of Brass Band Blechklang
Graduate Ceremony 4 November 2022



The entire deanery congratulates all award winners and graduates 2022 and wishes them all the best for their future careers!

Faculty Awards 2022

Doctoral Thesis Award of the Friedrich Schiller University

Dr Carolin Müller

  • Title of the doctoral thesis:"Towards Operando Spectroscopy of Supramolecular Photocatalysts - A Case Study on Ru-dppz-derived Systems"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić​, Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Müller is an outstanding young scientist who made important methodological breakthroughs during her PhD to characterise the light-driven reactivity of molecular intermediates in photoredox catalytic reactions. Her technical brilliance coupled with perseverance and great communication skills will certainly be useful in her further career, which she is currently pursuing at the University of Luxembourg. I am grateful for the past collaboration with Dr Müller and look forward to her next career steps, for which I wish her every success!

Prof. Dr Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić


The Doctoral Thesis Award of the Friedrich Schiller University is funded by the Society of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ("Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena"). The Doctoral Thesis Awards of the Friedrich Schiller University were awarded on 24 June 2022 at the ceremony of "Schilllertag". de


Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University

Ilse Friedländer, M.Sc. Chemistry

  • Title of the master thesis: "Spectroscopic characterization of molecular dyads based on organic photosensitizers and a Rh-complex fragment"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić​​, Institute of Physical Chemistry


Ilse Friedländer is certainly one of the best students I have had the pleasure of working with since I started at Friedrich Schiller University. She is an excellently educated, inquisitive, critical, creative and persistent student who has already conducted a large number of excellent experiments in her master thesis, some of which have already been published. Moreover, her curriculum vitae shows an intellectual and spatial mobility that is second to none. I heartily congratulate her on the exam prize!

Prof. Dr Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić


The Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University is funded by the Society of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ("Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena"). The award ceremony took place during the Ceremonial Matriculation on 28 October 2022.External link


Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Hans Jagusch, Dr Marc Diener from Analytik Jena GmbH (from left)
Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Hans Jagusch, Dr Marc Diener from Analytik Jena GmbH (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena

Doctoral Thesis Awards Chemistry

Dr Hans Jagusch

  • Title of the doctoral thesis: "Mammalian-like inflammatory and pro-resolving lipid mediators from marine algae"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Georg Pohnert, Institue of Inoganic and Analytical Chemistry


Hans Jagusch has managed to cover a very demanding arc in his work. Beginning with the study of algal metabolites, through the discovery of new metabolic pathways to medicinal chemistry, he has opened up new perspectives in natural product chemistry through creative and innovative approaches.

Prof. Dr Georg Pohnert


This award is funded by Analytik Jena AG.


Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Lars Henning Heß, Prof. Ulrich S. Schubert from Stiftung Nanotechnologie (from left)
Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Lars Henning Heß, Prof. Ulrich S. Schubert from Stiftung Nanotechnologie (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena

Dr Lars Henning Heß

  • Title of the doctoral thesis: "Development of sustainable electrolytes and advanced in-situ techniques for energy storage devices"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Andrea Balducci, Institute of Technical and Environmental Chemistry

Dr. Heß is a young, outstanding and extremely creative scientist who has made important contributions to the development of novel electrolytes for energy storage and to the development of innovative in-situ and in-operando characterisation techniques. These contributions are recorded in several scientific puplications that were produced during Dr. Heß' doctoral work. Furthermore, they were the basis for several patent applications. These novel materials and characterisation techniques are now being investigated in several European and national funded projects in which the University of Jena is involved. I am confident that Dr. Heß will continue to contribute to the development of advanced energy storage systems in his new position and wish him all the best for his professional and private future.

Prof. Dr Andrea Balducci


This award is funded by Stiftung Nanotechnologie.


Graduate Award Chemsitry:  Dr Marc Diener from Analytik Jena GmbH , award winner Michael Ringleb, Dean Prof. Arndt (from left)
Graduate Award Chemsitry: Dr Marc Diener from Analytik Jena GmbH , award winner Michael Ringleb, Dean Prof. Arndt (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena

Graduate Award Chemistry

Michael Ringleb, M.Sc. Chemistry

  • Title of the master thesis: "Development of high-throughput techniques for big data generation"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Ulrich S. Schubert, Institute of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry


During his studies, Michael Ringleb distinguished himself through his great commitment as a student representative in various committees of the University of Jena. At the same time, he is also an outstanding young scientist and was able to complete his studies with far above-average achievements. In his master thesis, he was able to develop new procedures with the help of which robot-assisted synthesis could be carried out and subsequently analysed. Michael Ringleb was thus able to systematically collect data for the application of artificial intelligence in an impressive way, which will be a groundbreaking methodology for the increasing digitalisation of polymer research.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert


This award is funded by Analytik Jena AG.


Graduate Award Geography: The awardee was unfortunately unable to be present in person. Laudator Prof. Brenning (left) and Dean Prof. Arndt accepted the certificate on her behalf.
Graduate Award Geography: The awardee was unfortunately unable to be present in person. Laudator Prof. Brenning (left) and Dean Prof. Arndt accepted the certificate on her behalf.
Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena

Graduate Award Geography

Veronika Grupp, M.Sc. Geoinformatics

  • Title of the master thesis: "Correcting for Multiple Testing in Change Point Detection of Global Vegetation Trends"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Alexander Brenning, Institute of Geography

The data-driven characterization of global climatic and environmental changes requires the use of modern, computationally intensive statistical methods. In her master thesis, Veronika Grupp proved her extraordinary talent as she thoroughly tested these complex procedures in the application context of vegetation time series. Master's research at the highest level!

Prof. Dr Alexander Brenning


The Graduate Award Geography is funded by codematix GmbH.


Graduate Award Geosciences: The awardee was unfortunately unable to be present in person. Dean Prof. Arndt (right) and Prof. Heubeck from the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena accepted the certificate on her behalf.
Graduate Award Geosciences: The awardee was unfortunately unable to be present in person. Dean Prof. Arndt (right) and Prof. Heubeck from the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena accepted the certificate on her behalf.
Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena

Graduate Award Geosciences

Stefanie Notz, M.Sc. Geosciences

  • Title of the master thesis: "Festkörper-und Hydrothermalsynthese von ausgewählten Telluriten"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Juraj Majzlan, Institute of Geosciences


Stefanie Notz is one of the students who convinces and inspires both in the lectures and exercises as well as in the final theses. Her performance during her studies was consistently excellent. In her master thesis, Stefanie Notz dealt with syntheses of tellurium compounds. With several hundred syntheses, she succeeded in preparing suitable samples for further thermodynamic investigations and also carried out these investigations herself. The result is a small database of the properties of tellurium phases and minerals that can be used for further geochemical modelling of this element worldwide. The work is the result of the student's creativity and diligence and is an excellent starting point for her further professional career.

Prof. Dr Juraj Majzlan


The Graduate Award Geosciences is funded by the Society for the Promotion of Earth Sciences Jena ("Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena").


Graduates 2022

A female student in a lab coat with a plant and a stone
A female student in a lab coat with a plant and a stone
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Biogeosciences B.Sc.

  • Tilmann Kinkelin
  • Anne Knigge
  • Claudia Messner
  • Anneli Riemer
  • Jona Schönherr
  • Peter Wiemuth
Two female students during a practical laboratory course in chemistry
Two female students during a practical laboratory course in chemistry
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Chemistry B.Sc.

  • Gabriel Amend
  • Rudolf Baumgart
  • Marko Bursac
  • Vincent Czepan
  • Gustav Döhring
  • Gerald Ebert
  • Sabrina Even
  • Franz Jacobi
  • Franz Jahn
  • Leah Haase
  • Julia Henkel
  • Hassan Ismail
  • Maximilian Knips
  • Joseph Kölbel
  • Niklas Könemann
  • Niklas Krüper
  • Larissa Lichau
  • Jakob Meyer
  • Matthias Möller
  • Tobias Schaffer
  • Patrick Schuchardt
  • Vivien Sulimma
  • Max Neubauer
  • Mara Wilhelmi
Earth from space
Earth from space
Image: NASA

Geography B.Sc.

  • Annemarie Bach
  • Marius Brandt
  • Tabea Bieck
  • Wiebke Breternitz
  • Paul Ehrhardt
  • Arthur Gratzias
  • Johannes Halbauer
  • Julian Holzhausen
  • Carl Robert Lang
  • Eric Lengtat
  • Matthias Nürnberg
  • Niklas Schmitt
  • Philip Schubert
  • Tim Vorndran
Two male students investigate a geological outcrop
Two male students investigate a geological outcrop
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Geosciences B.Sc.

  • Aaron Daehne
  • Monika Dichtl
  • Hannes Ebell
  • Marcel Fuchs
  • Simon Geyer
  • Leon Ispas
  • Philipp Pohle
  • Emily Sue Richter
  • Martin Richter
  • Fransiskus Litani Santoso
  • Jane Stelzer
  • Nilkas Störer
  • Adina Waidhas
  • Jana Wollmeiner
A male student in a lab with plants
A male student in a lab with plants
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Biogeosciences M.Sc.

  • Xinbo Chen
  • Clara Marianne Gerisch
  • Sonja Michaela Hellwig
  • Maximilian Herold
  • Judith Hoffmann
  • Anna Reichstein
  • Vincent Oliver Reilly-Schott
  • Pascal Schlechtweg
  • Leon Van Overloop
  • Arnold Wonneberger
Glass jars and notes in a chemical laboratory
Glass jars and notes in a chemical laboratory
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemistry M.Sc.

  • Louis Blechschmidt
  • Michael Duong
  • Markus Hilger
  • Tim Hoffmann
  • Ilse Friedländer
  • Julian Kanitz
  • Michael Klein
  • Yuxin Liu
  • Tommy Melzer
  • Robert Mößel
  • Oswald Müschke
  • Toni Munteanu
  • Katrin Mützlaff
  • Julian Plitzko
  • Flavio Luis Portwich
  • Johannes Schenk
  • Martin Schröder
  • Lennart Skodda
  • Luise Thomisch
  • Lennart Urbat
  • Viktor Kurt Weißenborn
Two female students working in a lab
Two female students working in a lab
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemical Biology M.Sc.

  • Louisa Hansske-Braun
  • Kira Herwig
  • Johannes Hörl
  • Ines Kleemeier
  • Nicolai Krampitz
  • Philippe Meisinger
  • Nicolas Müller
  • Katharina Racz
  • Johanna Rettner
  • Kai Rogge
  • Nick Schachtebeck
  • Eike Schäfer
  • Conrad Lorenz Ulonska
  • Malwin Uthleb
Prototype of an organic battery
Prototype of an organic battery
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemistry-Energy-Environment M.Sc.

  • Jasmin Ute Sandra Bachmann
  • Julia Gützlaff
  • Ulrich Haagen
  • Constantin Habarta
  • Marius Hermesdorf
  • Hermann Holbl
  • Tobias Hölzl
  • Samo Robin Marcinko
  • Svenja Meers
  • Sebastian Peiler
  • Jan Philipp Poths
  • Philipp Reiter
  • Michael Ringleb
  • Angus Lysander Rocha Vogel
  • Anastasia Sichwardt
  • Khai Shin Teoh
  • Paula Walz
  • Shengan Wu
A tube with a red powder
A tube with a red powder
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemistry of Materials M.Sc.

  • Fatma Aslan
  • Ecehan Çevik
  • Buşra Çinçin
  • Anjali Dua
  • Munira Dilshad
  • Akulia Edwards
  • Rania Ennaciri
  • Xhesilda Fataj
  • Güney Genc
  • Siddhi Gojare
  • Seung Heon Han
  • Princess Gerald Inangha
  • Eun Chi Kim
  • Johannes Kühn
  • Yi-Sheng Li
  • Tamar Maisuradze
  • Dintu Mathew
  • Thi Hue Nguyen
  • Jyothika Pillay
  • Yasaman Pourdakheli Hamedani
  • Abha Valavalkar
  • Shu Wang
  • Weisheng Xiao
Two female students reading textbooks
Two female students reading textbooks
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Geography M.Sc.

  • Paulin Burgschat
  • Brigitta Enyedi
  • Franziska Germeshausen
  • Theresa Henning
  • Juliane Howe
  • Dominique Kauer
  • Joscha Koenen
  • Linda Langhans
  • Carla May
  • Johanna Meister
  • Julia Oßowski
  • Julian Rosenbaum
  • Magdalena Wagner
  • Resha Christian Yanuar Wibowo
  • Richard Würfel
Two students edit digital maps on the computer
Two students edit digital maps on the computer
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)


  • Paul Germeshausen
  • Annette Hänicke
  • Anna Lindenberger
  • Gina Lukaszczyk
  • Lisa Mastaler
  • Marlin Markus Müller
  • Maximilian Nestler
  • Manuel Rauch
  • Paul Renner
  • Konstantin Schellenberg
  • Henrik Schmidt
  • Jonas Ziemer
A male student working on a transmission electron microscope
A male student working on a transmission electron microscope
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Geosciences M.Sc.

  • Cosima Becher
  • Corinna Franke
  • Laura Geertsen
  • Maximilian Grabein
  • Gregor Taudien
  • Alexander Wendt
  • Malte Werner
Three students of the master programme Environmental and Georesources Management
Three students of the master programme Environmental and Georesources Management
Image: Sebastian Reuter

Environmental and Georesources Management M.Sc.

  • Miriam Birigt Kellmann

Dissertations 2022

Doctoral cap
Doctoral cap
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Dr Sahar Alhogail

  • "Development of low-cost and portable detection platforms for bacterial detection"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Nairveen Ali

  • "Toward Data Science in Biophotonics: Biomedical Investigations-based Study"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Antonios Apostolakis

  • "Land Use Effects on Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Soils"
  • Institute of Geography; Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry

Dr Natalie Arend

  • "Characterization of pathogen-leukocyte interaction by means of Raman spectroscopy"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Dahiana Andrea Avila Salazar

  • "Structure-dissolution relationships of phosphate and bioactive glasses by liquid, solide-state and paramagnetic NMR — Structural role and coordination environment of cobalt in phosphate glasses & the role of cations on the mechanism of hydrolysis"

Dr Georgette Azemtsop Matanfack

  • "Novel Techniques to Access the Activity of Single Bacterial Cells by Raman Spectroscopy and Stable Isotope Probing"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Damiano Bandelli

  • "Well-defined polyesters for applications in life science"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Aziz Ben Miled        

  • "Kinetics of Phase Separation and Thin Film Formation of Multiresponsive Polymers"  
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research

Dr Damiano Bevern

  • "Mixed-Valent Phosphorus Compounds – Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Sebastian Johannes Bold

  • "Ultrafast spectroscopic characterization of dye-sensitized H2-evolving Photocathodes: Towards optimized devices"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry; Université Grenoble Alpes

Dr Robert Bolney

  • "Synthesis of mackinawite and tochilinite analogues and investigations on carbon fixation in a prebiotic context"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Wolfgang Brehm

  • "Mechanochemically synthesized conversion electrodes and their application in sodium and lithium ion batteries with diglyme electrolytes"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Gianmaria Califano

  • "Inter-kingdom interactions shapes macroalga Ulva holobiont: studies on algal growth and morphogenesis promoting factors (phytohormones and thallusin) and algal associated microbial community"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Manuel Deggelmann

  • "Kavitationsverfahren und die Kombination mit der Ozonung zur Mikroschadstoffelimination in Wasser"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Michael Dirauf

  • "Poly(2-oxazoline) based materials for biomedical applications"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Denis Drikermann 

  • "Vinyldiazo and Vinylphosphonium Compounds as Versatile Synthetic Intermediates"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Bettina Dudek        

  • "Colour development and pigment characterisation in flowers of Papaver nudicaule and Papaver rhoeas"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry; Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology

Dr Johanna Katrin Elter

  • "Polyether-based nanocontainers: morphology control, core-crosslinking, stimuli-response, and active targeting"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Catharina Elisabeth Fechter

  • "Influence of the variability in pulp quality on the alkalization processes"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Sarah Jasmin Finkelmeyer            

  • "Organic layers with tunable supramolecular structure and morphology to investigate their influence on optoelectronic thin film properties"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Patrick Gerlach

  • "The Influence of the Electrolyte on the Electrochemical Behavior of PTMA as Cathodic Electrode Material"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Vadim Greshnov    

  • "Neue Beiträge zur elektrostatischen Trennung von Sylvinit-Carnalit-Rohsalzen"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Mario Grosch          

  • "Activation of C1 compounds by iron and mackinawite under prebiotic conditions"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Franka Viola Gruschwitz

  • "From fundamental design to applications of supramolecular polymer bottlebrushes"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Tom Guhra

  • "Exploring the role of biota and biogenic components for the formation and function of (micro-)aggregates in soil"
  • Institute of Geosciences

Dr Lars Henning Heß

  • "Development of sustainable electrolytes and advanced in-situ techniques for energy storage devices"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Rola Houhou

  • "Inverse and Forward Modeling Tools for Biophotonic Data"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Theresa Jünger      

  • "Drogen im Chemieunterricht: Die Stoffklasse der Amphetamine ― eine Interventionsstudie"        
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry/ Chemistry Education

Dr Swamini Khurana  

  • "Relevance of spatio-temporal heterogeneities in modelling geomicrobial reactive systems"
  • Institute of Geosciences

Dr Tobias Klein            

  • "Supramolecular Polymer Bottlebrushes: Design of suitable building blocks and tuning of their self-assembly in water"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Andreas Knebl      

  • "Fiber-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Gas Sensing Applications in Biogeochemistry"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry; Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry

Dr Moritz Köhler

  • "Preparation and Investigation of Polyether and -ester Based Functional Block Copolymers for Biomedical Applications"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Daniel Kraus

  • "Multispektral-Bildgestütztes Sortieren von Biopartikeln"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Ann-Sophie Lehnert

  • "Dynamics in Production and Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Soil, Leaves, and Litter"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry; Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry

Dr Chunyu Li  

  • "Spectroscopic Investigation of Charge Carrier Dynamics in Carbon Nitride Photocatalysts"           
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Johannes Bernhard Max  

  • "Modification of polyampholytic poly(dehydroalanine) – strategies and utilization in hybrid nanomaterials applied as smart dispersants, sensors and in photocatalysis"           
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Linda Moser            

  • "Monitoring Wetlands and Water Bodies in Semi-arid Sub-Saharan Regions"        
  • Institute of Geography

Dr Irina Muljajew        

  • "Polymeric drug delivery systems: Aspects of core and shell of nanocarriers from polyesters, poly(ester amide)s or poly(2-oxazoline)s"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Jacob A. Nelson   

  • "Ecosystem Transpiration from Eddy Covariance"
  • Institute of Geosceinces

Dr Toni Neuwirth        

  • "Methodenentwicklung zur Synthese von Biarylen und Hetero-Biarylen"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry; Hans Knöll Institute

Dr Vahid Nozari            

  • "Glass Formation and Meltability of Metal-Organic Frameworks"
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research

Dr Guilherme Nunes Braga Maurício de Macedo      

  • "Glass-ceramics with intercalated microstructure produced via co-sintering and sinter-crystallization"      
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research

Dr Annu Panwar          

  • "Understanding the different responses of diurnal surface and air temperatures to evaporation across vegetation types"
  • Institute of Geography; Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry

Dr Dirk Paustian

  • "Designaspekte zur Entwicklung sonophotokatalytischer Reaktoren und deren An-wendung zum Abbau von Mikroschadstoffen in Wasser am Beispiel von Bisphenol A — Konzeption, Verfahrensevaluation und Pilotierung"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Silvio Preusser

  • "Mechanistische Untersuchungen zur Natur von CH-aktivierten Zykloaminierungs- und Zyklohydroaminierungsreaktionen, katalysiert durch Übergangs- und s-Block-Metallkomplexen"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Felix Edwin Pröhl

  • "Metallorganische Verbindungen der s-Blockmetalle und Dibenzosuberenan-basierter Liganden – Päparative und Theoretische Untersuchungen"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Kohulan Rajan

  • "DARLING: Deep leARning for chemicaL Information processinG"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Ihar Raztsou

  • "Chemisch-Biologisches Sondieren von Thiopeptid-Bindemotiven"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Aaron Reupert        

  • "Side-Emitting Fibers: Targeted Light Scattering in Optical Fibers"
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research

Dr Dirk Carsten Rössel            

  • "Preparation of Functional Polymers and Block Copolymers via Post-Polymerization Modifications for Biomedical Applications"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Alexander Röther  

  • "Strategien zur Synthese von Bis(NHC)-Boranen sowie Untersuchungen zu deren Reaktionsverhalten"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Jan Schröder          

  • "Glass Fiber Lightguides with Functional Interfaces"
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research

Dr Natalie Schroeter  

  • "Biomarkers in paleoenvironmental reconstructions: novel applications and data-driven evaluation"  
  • Institute of Geography; Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry

Dr Philipp Schüler

  • "Calciumorganic compounds – from curiosity to ubiquity (CalCub)"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Cornelius Octavian Schwarze        

  • "Outer forearc architecture and submarine landslides related to seamount subduction at the Hikurangi Margin (offshore New Zealand)"
  • Institute of Geosciences

Dr Tanveer Ahmed Shaik

  • "Fluorescence lifetime imaging and Raman spectroscopy for collagen scaffold monitoring in tissue engineering applications"       
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Maria Sittig

  • "Spektroskopische Untersuchung von Fluoreszenzaufkonversion und Photoazidität in Polymeren für die lichtgetriebene Wirkstofffreisetzung"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Fabian Hardi Sobotta        

  • "Block copolymer nanostructures via self-assembly for biomedical applications"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Johannes Steinmetzer

  • "Exploring Potential Energy Surfaces in Ground- and Excited States"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Timo Stettner         

  • "Development of advanced protic ionic liquid-based electrolytes for energy storage"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Heike Stolle                            

  • "Plasmonische Goldnanopartikel für den katalytischen Abbau organischer Verbindungen in Gas- und Flüssigphase - Konzeptionierung einer Laborgasanlage, katalytische Testung und Partikeldesign"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Paul Strobel

  • "Late Quaternary climate and environmental reconstruction based on lake and peat sediments from the central southern Cape region of South Africa"
  • Institute of Geography

Dr Julian Struck          

  • "Calibration and First Application of Biomarkers and Compound-Specific Isotope Analyses in Mongolia"          
  • Institute of Geography

Dr Sophia Walter        

  • "Charakterisierung der Bioaktivität von Thiopeptid-Antibiotikas"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Limin Wang             

  • "Surface functionalization and applications of self-assembled monolayers"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Christina Wichmann

  • "Einfluss von biotischen und abiotischen Faktoren auf Raman-Spektren von Bakterien"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Wie Yang    

  • "Development of a Handheld Fiber-Optic Probe-Based Raman Imaging Instrumentation: Raman ChemLighter"      
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Xiaobin Yao

  • "Nanoscale Investigations of Biomaterials using Atomic Force Microscopy and Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Wuyong Zhang     

  • "Synthesis and Application of Carbon-based Materials for the Construction of an Artificial Nitrogen Cycle with Electrochemistry"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Ru Zhou      

  • "Structure Influence on Optical Property of Phosphate Glasses"
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research


Persons who completed their doctorate in the period October 2021-October 2022 are listed.

All completed doctorates and postdoctoral theses since 2001 with links to the full text can be found on our research page.

Photos of the Graduation Ceremony on 4 November 2022

  • Music with Solo Ensemble of Brass Band Blechklang
    Music with Solo Ensemble of Brass Band Blechklang
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Music with Solo Ensemble of Brass Band Blechklang
    Music with Solo Ensemble of Brass Band Blechklang
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Welcome by the Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt
    Welcome by the Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Welcome by the Dean Prof Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt
    Welcome by the Dean Prof Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Graduate Ceremony 2022
    Graduate Ceremony 2022
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Graduate Award Geography: Laudator Prof. Dr Alexander Brenning
    Graduate Award Geography: Laudator Prof. Dr Alexander Brenning
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Graduate Award Geography: Dean Prof. Anrdt (right) und laudator Prof. Brenning
    Graduate Award Geography: Dean Prof. Anrdt (right) und laudator Prof. Brenning
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof. Dr Andrea Balducci
    Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof. Dr Andrea Balducci
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Doctoral thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof. Dr. Andrea Balducci
    Doctoral thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof. Dr. Andrea Balducci
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof. Balducci
    Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof. Balducci
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Lars Henning Heß, Prof. Dr Ulrich S. Schubert from Stiftung Nanotechnologie (from left)
    Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Lars Henning Heß, Prof. Dr Ulrich S. Schubert from Stiftung Nanotechnologie (from left)
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Lars Henning Heß, Prof. Dr Ulrich S. Schubert from Stiftung Nanotechnologie (from left)
    Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, awardee Dr Lars Henning Heß, Prof. Dr Ulrich S. Schubert from Stiftung Nanotechnologie (from left)
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
Pagination Page 1

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