Preparation of a powder sample

Measurement order P-XRD

Preparation of a powder sample
Image: Phil Liebing

Different powder samples in glass vessels

Image: Phil Liebing

Requirements for the sample

For standard measurements we require dry, pulverizable, crystalline solids. The pestling of the sample is performed locally by us. Routinely the measurement is conducted in a capillary at room temperature. Please note that iron-containing samples (X-ray fluorescence!) are measured only in justified exceptional cases.

Please discuss all measurement requests that deviate from these standard requirements and conditions (e.g. suspension, high/low-temperature measurement, ...) previously with us.

An order form für powder diffraction

Image: Phil Liebing

Sample submission

Please submit the sample in a suitable vessel (e.g. small screw-cap glass) together with the filled order formpdf, 409 kb · de in person to us (Fees). Pay attention to a meaningful sample labelling (e.g. JD-01, when applicant is John Doe).


Prior to the first sample submision, please clarify the cost sharing. For members of the IAAC, all measurements are exempt from charges. For members of other institutes of the university Jena, lump-sum payments for expendable materials are invoiced (Request). From external applicants, no samples are accepted at the moment.