Discussion of a single-crystal sample in the lab

Measurement order SC-XRD

Discussion of a single-crystal sample in the lab
Image: Vreni Behling

Crystals in a round-bottom flask

Image: Phil Köhler

Requirements for the sample

For the data collection, a well-formed single crystal with a diameter of approx. 0.05 to 0.5 mm is required. A suitable specimen is selected by the crystallographer from a sample, which should contain enough material. However, we advise against the submission of very large amounts of material, since a contamination of the sample during crystal preparation (e.g. by paraffin oil or atmospheric oxygen) cannot always be precluded.

For crystallisations from solutions: Instead of isolated or caked solids, please submit the crystals together with the mother liquor if possible!

Preparation of single crystals on an object slide

Image: Phil Köhler

Sample submission

Submit your sample in a suitable vessel (e.g. screw-cap glass or small Schlenk tube, minimum diameter of the opening = 6 mm) together with the accurately filled and signed order formpdf, 739 kb · de to us (Fees). Pay attention to an unambiguous sample labelling and the specification of the following minimum information:

  • Personal data (Name, Research group, Phone number and E-mail address for further queries)
  • Expected chemical formula sum and structure (predominantly important are heavy elements, whereas the exact numbers of C and H atoms are not!)
  • Solvent of crystallization if applicable
  • Specification of sample storage (temperature)

A sample holder with single crystal under the microscope

Image: Phil Köhler

Advantageous is also the specification of expectable side products or starting materials, together with a reference to their crystallographic data, if existent/known (Entries in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD): format ABCDEF or ABCDEF01; internal datasets: formats FO1234, bn12345, or si123).

We can store samples temporarily at room temperature, +5 °C, or –25 °C. For samples with short storage life, please prearrange an individual measurement appointment!

Providing the results

After completed processing, you receive an e-mail with the results. Please take back the sample leftover subsequently.


Prior to the first sample submision, please clarify the cost sharing. For members of the IAAC, all measurements are exempt from charges. For members of other institutes of the university Jena, a lump-sum payment for expendable materials, which is currently 60,- EUR per complete structure analysis, is invoiced. For external applicants, the conditions of full-cost accounting are applied (Request).