A single-crystal sample in a Schlenk tube with order form


A single-crystal sample in a Schlenk tube with order form
Image: Phil Köhler


At the moment we have two single-crystal diffractometers as well as an powder diffractometer available.

Our key skills comprise single-crystal structure determinations from the sample preparation to a publication-ready CIF file, and qualitative crystallographic phase analyses using powder diffraction.

In detail we provide:

  • Measurement of single-crystal samples between 100 K and room temperature, including air- and temperature-sensitive samples (e.g. organometallic compounds)
  • Evaluation of the quality and suitability for publication of single-crystal data
  • Measurement of powder diffraction diagrams between 100 K and ca. 1.200 K (transmission, capillary or flat sample)
  • Database research for known unit cells
  • Comparison of single-crystal and powder data
  • ...and more on request

We willingly provide advice about individual problems across the field of X-ray diffraction as well as to the use of crystallographic software and databases.