The entire deanery congratulates all award winners and graduates and wishes them all the best for their future careers!
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Laudator Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, award winner Constanze Schultz, Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University
Constanze Schultz, M.Sc. Chemistry
- Title of the master thesis: "Nonlinear Imaging for Spatio-temporal Monitoring of Small Molecules in Complex Biological Matrices"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, Institute of Physical Cehmistry
Ms. Schultz is definitely one of the top 5 percent chemistry students I have dealt with in my university teaching career in Jena since 2002. She is a highly intelligent, young and very friendly as well as affable student with clearly set goals. Her curriculum vitae so far is extremely straightforward and focused. Thus, she brings the best prerequisites to become an outstanding scientist in the near future.
Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp
The Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University is funded by the Society of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ("Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena").
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt, Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena GmbH), award winner Dr Abdullah Saif Mondol, laudator Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp (von links)
Image: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry
Dr Abdullah Saif Mondol
- Title of the doctoral thesis: "Development of an automated Raman spectroscopy platform for biophotonic applications"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, Institute of Physical Cehmistry
Dr Abdullah Saif Mondol is an outstanding young and very creative scientist who has made a major contribution to revolutionizing Raman spectroscopy as we known it so far. You could say Mr. Mondol has reinvented Raman. With his high-throughput Raman platform, we are now for the first time in a position to address life science and biomedical questions that are of high clinical relevance with the necessary statistical weight. Thus, Mr. Mondol’s PhD work has created the basis for exploiting the great potential of Raman spectroscopy in routine medical diagnostics in the future.
Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp
The Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry is funded by Analytik Jena AG.
Graduation ceremony 2021 – Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena AG), award winner Nina Hagmeyer, Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)Graduate Award Chemistry
Nina Hagmeyer, M.Sc. Chemistry
- Title of the master thesis: "Implementation of an Experimental Setup for the EPR-based Characterization of Photoinduced Processes"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić, Institute of Physical Chemistry
The Graduate Award Chemistry is funded by Analytik Jena AG.
Dean Prof. Hans-Dieter Arndt, award winner Anne Katharina Katzschmann and supervisor PD Dr Jussi Baade (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)Graduate Award Geography
Anne Katharina Katzschmann, M.Sc. Geography
- Title of the master thesis: "Die GIS-gestützte Dokumentation von anthropogen induzierten Landschaftsveränderungen mittels der Hemerobie – Ein Beispiel aus den ehemaligen Uranerzbergbaubetrieben Beerwalde und Drosen (Ronneburg)"
- Supervisor: PD Dr Jussi Baade, Institute of Geography
- The thesis was written with the support of Wismut GmbH.
In her master's thesis, Ms. Anne Katzschmann presents the first documentation and evaluation of the landscape changes in a section of the Ronneburg uranium ore mining area over a period of 80 years, namely between 1940 (before the start of mining) and today, i.e. following the mine rehabilitation works completion, in a total of twelve time steps. To this end, she has made extensive historical material accessible. With her work, Ms. Katzschmann documents the anthropogenic environmental change towards the proverbial 'blooming landscapes' in an impressive way. The work is the culmination of a very committed and reflective study of geography in Jena.
PD Dr Jussi Baade
The Graduate Award Geography is funded by codematix GmbH.
Graduation ceremony 2021 – Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt, laudator PD Dr Thomas Jahr, award winner Clara Bützler, Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski (Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena) (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)Graduate Award Geosciences
Clara Bützler, M.Sc. Geosciences
- Title of the master thesis: "Schweregradienten von Prompt Elasto-Gravity Signalen – Aspekte der Modellierung und der Messbarkeit: Eine Fallstudie für das Tohoku-Oki Beben"
- Supervisor: PD Dr Thomas Jahr, Institute of Geosciences
The master thesis investigates earthquake-induced signals that reach geophysical measuring instruments, in this case gravimeters and seismometers, even before the seismic P-waves. These signals are called "prompt elasto-gravity signals" (PEGS) and they represent a challenge for current gravimetric/seismic investigations. The extremely demanding master thesis is characterised by a clear interdisciplinary focus, making it of particular interest to colleagues working in both geophysics and geodesy. Clara Bützler's master thesis is characterised by a particularly high quality, because Ms Bützler has worked on the topic in considerable depth and with great ambition. I am pleased that Ms Clara Bützler is receiving the Graduate Award not only due to professional reasons, but also because of her additional social commitment, for example through her voluntary service and her voluntary activities, in which she also works intensively for weaker and disadvantaged fellow citizens.
PD Dr Thomas Jahr
The Graduate Award Geosciences is funded by the Society for the Promotion of Earth Sciences Jena ("Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena").
Two female students during a practical laboratory course in chemistry
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)Chemistry B.Sc.
- Carolin Bernt
- Jan Brosette
- Jonas Eichhorn
- Melina Gräfe
- Lucas Gregor
- Stella Greiner
- Marius Hingel
- Emma Hücker
- Franz Jacobi
- Milena Jäger
- Julian Köhler
- Benedikt Kühnel
- Silas Langstein
- Maximilian Meyer
- Verena Müller
- Patrick Schuchardt
- Anne Skotnicki
- Lena Würtle
Earth from space
Image: NASAGeography B.Sc.
- Max Buchhart
- Laura Dietzel
- Marcus Engelke
- Christoph Erb
- Anna Feldmeier
- Felix Fest
- Jonathan Frank
- Tim Gebhard
- Tim Grünemay
- Vanessa Henkes
- Lukas Kirchberg
- Julian Klaus
- Sabrina Kunze
- Max Marquardt
- Kilian Peters
- Josefin Plötner
- Max Schuchardt
- Julia Schiller
- Johannes Senf
- Till Suski
- Jan Unger
- Justin Volkert
Graduate Ceremony 2021 - Certificate with rosesImage: Carolin Thiel (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Pianist Helga AssingImage: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Pianist Helga AssingImage: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - JenAlumni brochure and rosesImage: Carolin Thiel (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter ArndtImage: Carolin Thiel (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter ArndtImage: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Laudator Prof. Dr Jürgen PoppImage: Carolin Thiel (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Laudator Prof. Dr Jürgen PoppImage: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - with livestreamImage: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Laudator Prof. Dr Jürgen PoppImage: Carolin Thiel (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Laudator Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, award winner Constanze Schultz, Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)Image: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)
Graduation ceremony 2021 - Laudator Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, award winner Constanze Schultz, Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)Image: Claudia Hilbert (Universität Jena)