The oxylipin chemistry of mosses
Red Algae
Image: The red algae Gracilaria spp. are farmed commercially in Southern America (here Puerto Montt, Chile). The algae are rich in oxylipins that act as chemical defense. The compounds also have substantial pharmacological activity.Oxylipins are oxygenated fatty acid derived metabolites. These compounds play central roles in the chemical defense of micro- and macroalgae but also act as regulators of cellular functions and mediators microbial interactions.
Using lipidomics approaches and stable isotope labeling techniques, we address the diversity, biosynthesis, and biological activity of red algal oxylipins. We unravel novel metabolic pathways towards lipid mediators that are active in ecological and pharmacological assays.
We also unravel the role of oxylipins in the chemical defense of microalgae, investigating mechanisms of regulation of this highly active compound class.
Image: The diatom Chaetoceros didymus defends itself against algicidal bacteria with the induced up-regulation of oxylipins.