Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Thomas Wichard

Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Lessingstr. 8
07743 Jena

Thomas.Wichard at

Researcher ID

Researcher ID: C-2794-2009External link
ORCID: 0000-0003-0061-4160External link

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ResearchGateExternal link

Education and Scientific Career

- 1995-2001: University of Regensburg (Germany): Diploma in Biochemistry
- 2001-2002: Technical Assistant at the Institute of Medical Genetics at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (Germany)
- 2002-2006: Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena (Germany): Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in Biochemistry
- 2004-2006: Member of the International Max Planck Research School: "The Exploration of Ecological Interactions with Molecular and Chemical Techniques"
- 2006: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute of Chemical Sciences of the EPFL (Switzerland)
- 2006-2008: Dreyfus Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Chemistry at Princeton University, Princeton Environmental Institute, Department of Geosciences, USA
- Since 2008: Research Associate at the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
- Since 2009: Faculty member of the Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC, Excellence Initiative DFG)

Current research projects

- Symbiotic interaction of the green alga Ulva mutabilis and its bacteria
- Regulation of the gametogenesis and gamete release of Ulva
- Metallophore production of nitrogen fixing symbiotic bacteria

Research Interests

- chemical ecology, bioorganic analytical chemistry, marine sciences
- identification of infochemicals in marine ecosystems
- cross-talk of macroalgae and bacteria
- morphogenesis and gametogenesis of green macroalgae
- multiple functions of siderophores

Teaching Experiences

- 2003-2006: undergraduate students co-supervisor at the Max Planck Institute, Jena (Germany)
- Since 2008: courses in analytical chemistry for undergraduate students in chemistry, biogeochemistry and geosciences at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. 

Professional Society Memberships

- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
- Sektion Phykologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft
- German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM)
- British Phycological Society (BPS)
- International Phycological Society (IPC)
- Phycological Society of America (PSA)
- Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

Editorial Board

- Botanica Marina


- 2006-2008: Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fellowship in Environmental Science

Grants received

- SFB 1127 ChemBioSys: 2014-2018
- Horizont 2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 ALFF: 2014-2018
- COST Action FA1406 Phycomorph: 2015 - 2019 (STSM, organization of workshops and training schools)
- DFG-Exzellenzinitiative: Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC): 2009-2012, 2013-2016
- Fonds der Chemischen Industrie im Verband der chemischen Industrie e.V.: 2012
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD): Canada in 2012& 2013
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD): Portugal - Acções Integradas Luso-Alemãs in 2012
- ASSEMBLE European Community - Research Infrastructure Action (1st call in 2010, 3rd call in 2011 and 5th call in 2012)
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Selected publications in international refereed journals

(see ResearcherID for complete publication list)External link

- Baumeister, T. U. H., Ueberschaar, N., Schmidt-Heck, W., Mohr J. F., Deicke M., Wichard, T.*, Guthke R., Pohnert, G.* (2018) DeltaMS: A tool to track isotopologues in GC- and LC-MS data. Metabolomics 14:41

- Kessler, R.W., Weiss, A., Kuegler, S., Hermes, C. Wichard, T.* (2018) Macroalgal-bacterial interactions: Role of dimethylsulfoniopropionate in microbial gardening by Ulva (Chlorophyta). Molecular EcologyExternal link. In press

- Alsufyani, T., Weiss, A., Wichard, T.* (2017) Time Course Exo-Metabolomic Profiling in the Green Marine Macroalga Ulva (Chlorophyta) for Identification of Growth Phase-Dependent Biomarkers. Mar. Drugs 15: 14. doi:10.3390/md15010014External link

- Grueneberg, J., Engelen, A.H., Costa R., Wichard T.* (2016) Macroalgal morphogenesis induced by waterborne compounds and bacteria in coastal seawater. PLoS ONE 11: e0146307. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146307External link

- Wichard T.* (2015). Exploring bacteria-induced growth and morphogenesis in the green macroalga order Ulvales (Chlorophyta). Front. Plant Sci. 6:86. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00086External link

- Wichard, T.*, Charrier B., Mineur F., Bothwell J. H., De Clerck O.,  Coates J. C. (2015). The green seaweed Ulva: A model system to study morphogenesis. Front. Plant Sci. 6:72. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00072External link

-External link Deicke, M., Mohr, J. F., Bellenger, J. P., Wichard, T.* (2014) Metallophore mapping in complex matrices by metal isotope coded profiling of organic ligands. Analyst, 23, 6096 - 6099External link

- Deicke, M., Bellenger, J. P., Wichard, T.* (2013) Direct quantification of bacterial molybdenum and iron metallophores with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1258, 50-60External link

- Spoerner, M., Wichard, T.*, Bachhuber, T., Stratmann, J., Oertel, W.(2012) Growth and Thallus Morphogenesis of Ulva mutabilis (Chlorophyta) depends on a combination of two bacterial species excreting regulatory factors. Journal of Phycology 48, 1433-1447External link

- Bellenger, J. P.*, Wichard, T., Xu, Y., and Kraepiel, A. M. L. (2011) Essential metals for nitrogen fixation in a free-living N2-fixing bacterium: chelation, homeostasis and high use efficiency. Environmental Microbiology 13, 1395-1411External link

- Wichard, T.*, Oertel, W. (2010) Gametogenesis and Gamete release of Ulva mutabilis and Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta): Regulatory effects and chemical characterization of the "swarming inhibitor". Journal of Phycology 46, 248-259External link

- Wichard, T.*, Bellenger, J. P., Morel, F. M. M., and Kraepiel, A. M. L. (2009) Role of the Siderophore Azotobactin in the Bacterial Acquisition of Nitrogenase Metal Cofactors. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 7218-7224External link

- Wichard, T., Mishra, B.*, Myneni, S. C. B., Bellenger, J. P., and Kraepiel, A. M. L. (2009) Storage and bioavailability of molybdenum in soils increased by organic matter complexation. Nature Geoscience 2, 625-629External link

- Wichard, T., Bellenger, J. P., Loison, A., and Kraepiel, A. M. L. (2008) Catechol siderophores control tungsten uptake and toxicity in the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 2408-2413External link

- Wichard, T.*, Poulet, S. A., Boulesteix, A. L., Ledoux, J. B., Lebreton, B., Marchetti, J., and Pohnert, G. (2008) Influence of diatoms on copepod reproduction. II. Uncorrelated effects of diatom-derived alpha,beta,gamma,delta-unsaturated aldehydes and polyunsaturated fatty acids on Calanus helgolandicus in the field. Progress in Oceanography 77, 30-44External link

- Bellenger, J. P., Wichard, T., Kustka, A. B., and Kraepiel, A. M. L.* (2008) Uptake of molybdenum and vanadium by a nitrogen-fixing soil bacterium using siderophores. Nature Geoscience 1, 243-246External link

- Wichard, T., Gerecht, A., Boersma, M., Poulet, S. A., Wiltshire, K., and Pohnert, G.* (2007) Lipid and fatty acid composition of diatoms revisited: Rapid wound-activated change of food quality parameters influences herbivorous copepod reproductive success. Chembiochem 8, 1146-1153External link

- Wichard, T., and Pohnert, G.* (2006) Formation of halogenated medium chain hydrocarbons by a lipoxygenase/hydroperoxide halolyase-mediated transformation in planktonic microalgae. Journal of the American Chemical Society 128, 7114-7115External link

- Wichard, T., Gobel, C., Feussner, I., and Pohnert, G.* (2005) Unprecedented lipoxygenase/hydroperoxide lyase pathways in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 44, 158-161External link

- Wichard, T., Poulet, S. A., Halsband-Lenk, C., Albaina, A., Harris, R., Liu, D. Y., and Pohnert, G.* (2005) Survey of the chemical defence potential of diatoms: Screening of fifty one species for alpha,beta,gamma,delta-unsaturated aldehydes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31, 949-958External link

- Wichard, T., Poulet, S. A., and Pohnert, G.* (2005) Determination and quantification of alpha,beta,gamma,delta-unsaturated aldehydes as pentafluorobenzyl-oxime derivates in diatom cultures and natural phytoplankton populations: application in marine field studies. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 814, 155-161External link

- Senger, T., Wichard, T., Kunze, S., Gobel, C., Lerchl, J., Pohnert, G., and Feussner, I.* (2005) A multifunctional lipoxygenase with fatty acid hydroperoxide cleaving activity from the moss Physcomitrella patens. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280, 7588-7596External link2
External link

- Ianora, A.*, Miralto, A., Poulet, S. A., Carotenuto, Y., Buttino, I., Romano, G., Casotti, R., Pohnert, G., Wichard, T., Colucci-D'Amato, L., Terrazzano, G., and Smetacek, V. (2004) Aldehyde suppression of copepod recruitment in blooms of a ubiquitous planktonic diatom. Nature 429, 403-407External link