Presentation Graduate Award FSU Jena 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (left) and winner Stefanie Lawrinowitz
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University
Stefanie Lawrinowitz, M.Sc. Chemical Biology
- Title of the master thesis: "Natural products as chemical tools for modulation of lipid mediator biosynthesis"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr Oliver Werz, Institute of Pharmacy
Our awardee Stefanie Lawrinowitz is an all-round talent who really lives up to the claim of interdisciplinarity. After her Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry, she switched to the Chemical Biology programme for her Master's degree, which she passed with flying colours and outstanding results. In her master thesis at the Institute of Pharmacy, she investigated natural products as chemical tools for studying leukotriene biosynthesis, which, according to her supervisor Prof. Werz, came out to be "a prime example of an excellent master thesis that is absolutely flawless". Beyond science, she is a competitive soccer player... every kick a goal! Congratulations on the well-deserved Graduation Award 2020 of the President for the Faculty of Chemical and Earth Sciences!
Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt, Dean
The Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University is funded by the Society of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ("Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena"). The award ceremony took place in a small setting on 20 November 2020.
Presentation Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry 2020: Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena AG), winner Dr Martin Klapper, supervisor PD Dr Pierre Stallforth, Dean Prof Dr Hans-Dietrer Arndt (from left)
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry
Dr Martin Klapper
- Title of the doctoral thesis: "Pseudomonas-Derived Secondary Metabolites in Amoebae-Bacteria Interactions"
- Supervisor: PD Dr Pierre Stallforth, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
In his doctoral thesis, Martin Klapper investigated how bacteria use chemical compounds to defend themselves against their enemies. Thanks to his precise and untiring spirit of research, he not only discovered a large number of unknown substances, he also established the foundation for further exciting projects. Particularly impressive was the range of methods Martin Klapper used during his work. In the end, it was an intelligent and creative combination of organic synthesis, chemical and biological analysis as well as molecular and microbiology that led him to his goal.
Dr Pierre Stallforth, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI), Supervisor of Dr Martin Klapper
The Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry is funded by Analytik Jena AG. The award ceremony took place in a small setting on 20 November 2020.
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena AG), winner Frieda Nagler, Prof. Dr Felix H. Schacher (supervisor), Dean Prof Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)Graduate Award Chemistry
Frieda Nagler, M.Sc. Chemistry
- Title of the master thesis: "Synthesis of hydrogels based on polydehydroalanine"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr Felix H. Schacher, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry
I am very happy that Frieda Nagler has been awarded this prize. She has broken completely new ground in her work with polyampholytic hydrogels - accordingly, many of the questions were fundamental. Meanwhile, two dissertations in my group are based on this preliminary work, which clearly shows the potential of this class of materials.
Prof. Dr Felix H. Schacher
The Graduate Award Chemistry is funded by Analytik Jena AG. The award ceremony took place in a small setting on 20 November 2020.
Presentation Graudate Award Geography 2020: Supervisor Prof. Dr Christiane Schmullius, winner Friedrich Brandt, Dean Prof. Dr Hans Dieter Arndt (from left)
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)Graduate Award Geography
Friedrich Wilhelm Brandt, M.Sc. Geoinformatics
- Title of the master thesis: "Entwicklung einer Beschreibungssprache für das automatisierte Ausführen von Aufgaben in Onlinekursen auf verschiedenen Cloud-Plattformen"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr Christiane Schmullius, Institute of Geography
In his master thesis, Friedrich Brandt set himself the task of developing a description language for the automated execution of tasks in online courses on various cloud platforms. The approach implemented by Mr Brandt is trend-setting for the increasingly important eLearning training activities in connection with the handling of large amounts of data ("Big Data"). Mr Brandt was an attentive student throughout his student days and attracted attention with excellent contributions. As an intern at the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation, he was able to introduce himself so well that, after his master thesis on a permanent position, he is now responsible for the supervision of data management in the ATKIS area (ATKIS = Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches Informationssystem). This responsible position confirms his skills and reliability.
Prof. Dr Christiane Schmullius
The Graduate Award Geography is funded by codematix GmbH. The award ceremony took place in a small setting on 20 November 2020.
Presentation Graduate Award Geosciences 2020: Supervisor Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski, winner Madeline Richter and Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)Graduate Award Geosciences
Madeline Richter, M.Sc. Geosciences
- Title of the master thesis: "Tectonometamorphic and hydraulic processes along a fossil subduction plate interface in the northern Mirdita Ophiolite (Bajram Curri, Albania)"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski, Institute of Geosciences
Madeline Richter investigated the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of an ophiolite deposit (= relics of fossilised ocean floors preserved in mountainous areas) in Albania. With her Master thesis, Mrs Richter has impressively demonstrated that she is capable of understanding geologically complex facts in a coherent manner, interpreting them across space and time scales, describing them in a linguistically comprehensible manner and also visualising them in a graphically appealing manner, using her great methodological competence from a wide range of individual stratigraphic, structural geological and petrographic observations. Her master thesis was the best qualification thesis I had the opportunity to supervise during my time in Jena.
Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski
The Graduate Award Geosciences is funded by the Society for the Promotion of Earth Sciences Jena ("Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena"). The award ceremony took place in a small setting on 20 November 2020.
Two female students during a practical laboratory course in chemistry
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)Chemistry B.Sc.
- Sina Arnoldt
- Jakob Bruhnke
- Hannah Busch
- Jonas Dietrich
- Konrad Hotzel
- Eric Jückstock
- Lea Klepsch
- Ophelia Kloth
- Anne Konrad
- Nico Kühnel
- Moritz Maschke
- Philippe Renè Meier
- Finn Lorenz Meyer
- Flavio Luis Portwich
- Josephin Röhner
- Philipp Sandrock
- Bastian Schiweck
- Dan Stefanita
- Mats Weinhardt
- Hannah Zeihe
Glass jars and notes in a chemical laboratory
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Chemistry M.Sc.
- Janis Blume
- Henning Brinkhaus
- Katja Geitel
- Lennart Graewe
- Nina Hagmeyer
- Yannik Köster
- Katharina Leer
- Christian Leibing
- Olena Nosovska
- Constanze Schultz
- Timo Schütt
- Leanne Stafast
- Konrad Wagner
- Florian Walter
- Xinyue Wang
- Frerk-Ulfert Wehmeyer
- Clara Zens
Two female students working in a lab
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Chemical Biology M.Sc.
- Alexander Bergner
- Stefanie Buchheim
- Insa Haacke
- Beatrix Maria Heinze
- Jana Henning
- Barbara Herböck
- Rebecca Ignatz
- Elisabeth Mindt
- Noreen Schuck
- Kristy Syhapanha
- Johann Ulrich
- Sandra Unger
- Ina Wasmuth
- Moritz Zimmer
Prototype of an organic battery
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Chemistry-Energy-Environment M.Sc.
- Isaac Alvarez Moises
- Micha Philip Fertig
- Isabell Gerke
- Nils Günther
- Sarah Haller
- Steffen Hellmann
- Kara Isil
- Fabian Alexander Kreth
- Samira Lambertz
- Siqi Liu
- Nils Ribbe
- Claudia Schmidt
- Aurelien Sokeng Djoumessi
Presentation Graduate Award FSU Jena 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (left) and winner Stefanie LawrinowitzImage: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation Graduate Award FSU Jena 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (left) and winner Stefanie LawrinowitzImage: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation Graduate Award FSU Jena 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (left) and winner Stefanie LawrinowitzImage: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation Graduate Award FSU Jena 2020: Winner Stefanie Lawrinowitz (left) and Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (rechts)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena AG), winner Frieda Nagler, Prof. Dr Felix H. Schacher (supervisor), Dean Prof Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena AG), winner Frieda Nagler, Prof. Dr Felix H. Schacher (supervisor), Dean Prof Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (from left)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (left) and winner Frieda Nagler (from left)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (left) and winner Frieda Nagler (from left)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt (left) and winner Frieda Nagler (from left)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Winner Frieda Nagler (left) and Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena AG)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation of Graduate Award Chemistry 2020: Dean Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Arndt and winner Frieda Nagler (from left)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Presentation Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry 2020: Dr Alf Liebmann (analytik Jena AG), winner Dr Martin Klapper, supervisor PD Dr Pierre Stallforth, Dean Prof Dr Hans-Dietrer Arndt (from left)Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)