A person holds a compass in his hands.

Quality control

Structures and contact persons for quality development in studying and teaching
A person holds a compass in his hands.
Image: Christoph Worsch

Facilities and institutions at a glance

There are various facilities and institutions that are responsible for the quality control in teaching and studying at the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences. Some of them operate at the departmental level, others at the Faculty or University levels. More information can be found in the Guideline for quality control of the study programmes at the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (only in German)

The main institutions are:

  • Dean of Student Affairs
  • Faculty Council
  • Study Committee
  • Examinations Committees
  • Office for Student Affairs and Examinations
  • Programme directors ("Studiengangverantwortliche")
  • Student advisors
  • ERASMUS coordinators
  • Student Representatives ("Fachschaftsrat")
  • Advisory board of the Faculty, external experts
  • Office for Academic Programme Devolpment

Please visit the German website de for detailed information on these programmes and institutions.

Organizational Structure Quality Assurance Structures at CGF
Organizational Structure Quality Assurance Structures at CGF

Contact person

Carolin Thiel
Office for Academic Programme Development
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Room 103
Humboldtstraße 11
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link