
Didactics of Chemistry (Internship)

C-LA 501
Image: Anne Günther

During the accompanying seminar of the practice semester students prepare their own teaching lessons, which they hold at real schools under scientific points of view.  Afterwards those teaching attempts are being evaluated and critically discussed under scientific measures as well.Students develop theoretical and practical competencies in planning, implementation and evaluation of holding lessons in Chemistry in front of pupils.  The following topics are part of the seminar:

  •  Safety in chemistry class (Experimenting, Regulations regarding hazardous substances, Accident protection)
  • Observation of real classes
  • Experiments as means to gain knowledge
  • Organisation of independent experimenting of pupils
  • Learning objective for chemistry class
  • Learning strategies based on the "chemical language" and chemical calculating
  • Performance review in chemistry class
  • Internal differentiation

The practice semester can also take place at a German school abroad. Please find further information hereExternal link.

Mrs. Ehrhardt is responsible for according interships and practice units during the studies of becoming a teacher.  Her contact information can be found at Contacts de.

Module achievements

Graded documentations of observation units as well as lesson preparation and evaluation in chemistry based on the criteria catalogue of the seminar (100%)


Dr. Peter Heinze
Dr. Peter Heinze
Image: Peter Heinze

Dr. Peter Heinze


Curriculum Vitae:

  • 1987 born in Schmölln
  • 2006: Abitur in Schmölln
  • 2007-2013: Study of Chemistry & History at the FSU Jena with graduation 1st state examination
  • 2013-2017: research assistant in the working group didactics of chemistry
  • 2017: Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.)
  • 2017-2019: traineeship at the LFG Mellingen
  • January 2019: graduation with the 2nd state examination
  • since February 2019: Teacher at LFG Mellingen
  • since May 2020: subject leader for chemistry at StS Erfurt
  • since August 2020: Lecturer for the supervision of the practical semester students