Chemistry student teachers of the first semester (both study programs: Grammar School and Secondary School) who study another STEM subject (biology, computer science, mathematics or physics) do not have to complete the module 'Mathematics and physics' (C-LA 103) or only partially. Instead, students with these subject combinations have to take the so-called 'Equivalent Mathematics and Physics' (C-LA 104a/b) as compensatory work.
The overall objective of the module is to provide students with an initial grounding in the didactics of planning and reflecting on chemistry lessons. At the same time, a first change of perspective is to be initiated, through which teaching is no longer viewed from the perspective of a student, but from the perspective of a teacher. To achieve this, the module structure is based on a Learning-to-teach Lab
format: The knowledge initially acquired in seminars is then applied to a practical context in which the students each supervise a school class in the student laboratory on selected experimental topics in groups.