
Introduction to Environmental Chemistry

C-LA 801c
Image: Clemens Hoffmann

Lecture series

The lecture series will focus on the following topics

  • Drinking water
  • Atmosphere
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Energy
  • Pollutants
  • Food Chemistry

In addition, these focal points are adapted and expanded according to the students' interests. After the development of the subject-specific basics, the lectures are embedded in a subject-didactic context, as a result of which materials suitable for schools are constructed (see seminar results below).


Laboratory practical course

In the practical course, the students develop and carry out experiments in various areas of environmental chemistry. In the process, the materials created for school use from the lecture can also be tested. The practical course is adapted to the learning situation of the students every semester.

Organizationally, the practical course takes place as a block during the lecture-free period between the winter and summer semesters.

Module achievements

  • Written exam and internship protocols (assed with grade)
  • Weighting written exam / practical course: 50% to 50%