Published: | By: Claudia Hilbert
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The plans have not yet been finalised - but it is worth marking the week from 5-9 May in your diary now: This is when the 1st Sustainability Week will take place at the University of Jena. The Green Office invites all employees and students to take part in activities and events on various sustainability topics.
Five themed days are planned, each focussing on one facet of sustainability. This year's topics include climate justice, health, mobility, resources and consumption. The Green Office is supported by various partners inside and outside the university for the individual activities.
"With our campaign week, we want to show that the topic of sustainability is extremely diverse and encompasses much more than just climate and environmental protection, but actually plays a role in all areas of our everyday lives", says Pia Objartel, student assistant in the Green Office. "It is important to us that the moralising finger stays far away. Rather, we want to convey that sustainability can have a positive and profitable influence on one's own life", adds Claudia Hilbert, who currently heads the Green Office together with Laura Brock. The tenders are intended to provide inspiration for everyday life and encourage people to make a commitment to treating themselves, their fellow human beings and the environment fairly and sustainably.
The complete programme for the Sustainability Week will be published in April.
Click here to go to the Sustainability Week website.
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