LIFE-"Connect" fund

LIFE "Connect"-Funds

Ready to launch a new research collaboration? The LIFE-"Connect" fund is here to support you! Apply until March 31th 2025.
LIFE-"Connect" fund
Graphic: Franziska Eberl edited by Dania Rose-Sperling
  • Life

Published: | By: Dania Rose-Sperling
Source article

LIFE "Connect"

The LIFE “Connect” funds are intended to develop scientific projects that have potential for successful application for third-party funding. New cooperations between researchers of different groups, institutes and disciplines shall be established to stimulate top-level research.

  • Applicants: researchers at any career stage (doctoral researchers to Professors)
  • Deadline:     31.03.2025
  • Funding:      max. 25.000 €

Please find more information under LIFE Funding program