Publications and Conference Contributions

Kai Heckel

Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Urban, M., C. Berger, T. Mudau, K. Heckel, J. Truckenbrodt, V. Odipo, I. Smit & C. Schmullius (2018): Surface Moisture and Vegetation Cover Analysis for Drought Monitoring in the Southern Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8. Remote Sensing 10(9). doi: 10.3390/rs10091482.

Conference Contributions

  • Heckel, K., Urban, M., Schratz, P., Mahecha, M. & C. Schmullius (2018): Sentinel-1 and -2 Data for optimized Forest Cover Detection in varying ecosystems: Investigation of effects sensor fusion and the impact of spatial autocorrelation, Washington D.C., 01-05 October 2018.
  • Heckel, K., Urban, M., Schratz, P., Mahecha, M. & C. Schmullius (2017): Sentinel-1 and -2 for optimized forest cover detection in European temperate forests and South African savanna. -37th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Pretoria, 8-12 May 2017.