Björn 'Bjarne' Braunschweig

Platforms, Cultural and Creative Industries, Financialization & Innovation
Björn Braunschweig
Research Associate
Chair of Economic Geography
Björn Braunschweig
Image: Björn Braunschweig
Room 105
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
  • Short Biography

    Björn 'Bjarne' Braunschweig studied social anthropology, geography, political science and sociology and holds degrees in geography with specialisations in environmental and planning law and political science (B.Sc.) as well as social sciences: organisation and communication (M.A.). After working as a consultant for local authorities for several years, he joined the university in 2018 and has since worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Economic Geography at the University of Jena. In his research, his main focus lies on the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI), and currently primarily on the networks and connections between the music and the finance industry. In the past, he worked predominantly on regional economic and urban planning topics with a focus on sustainability and participatory processes.

    He is the host of the geographical science podcast SpacEconomicsExternal link, has moderated the STANDORT thematic issue 'Räume der Musikindustrie - Akteur:innen, Netwerke und InstitutionenExternal link' (Spaces of the Music Industry - Actors, Networks and Institutions) with Dr Benjamin Klement from the Fraunhofer IMW in Leipzig and, alongside Prof. Dr Sebastian Henn de (University of Jena) and Dr Thomas Zimmermann (formerly HCU Hamburg), is the editor of the book 'Stadtregionales FlächenmanagementExternal link' ('Urban Regional Land Management') (to be published in print in 2024).


    • 08/2018-today | Research Associate | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Chair of Economic Geography
    • 02/2016-06/2018 | Project manager & consultant | public service & NPO sector
    • 11/2014-09/2015 | Head of project study 'Zwischennutzung in Halle (Saale)' ('Interim land use in Halle (Saale)') | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg | Chair of Economic Geography
    • 03/2015-06/2015 | Student Assistant | Zentrum für Sozialforschung Halle ('Centre for Social Research Halle'), Halle (Saale)
    • 05/2013-08/2014 | Student Assistant & Tutor | Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg | Research Group Spatial and Environmental Planning 

    Higher Education

    • 10/2018-09/2020 | Sozialwissenschaften: Organisation und Kommunikation ('Social Sciences: Organisation and Communication') (parallel to employment) | Technical University of Kaiserslautern (M.A.)
    • 10/2016-10/2018 | Parlamentsfragen und Zivilgesellschaft ('Questions of Parlament and Civil Society') | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
    • 04/2013-12/2016 | Geography (specialisations in environmental and planning law and political science) | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (B.Sc.)
    • 10/2011-04/2013 | Social Anthropology and Geography (dual-subject) | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Research Focus & Interests

    Research Focus

    • Mobilities & Connectivities:External link
      • Processes of platformisation, reintermediation, financialisation and innovation in the CCI with a focus on the music industry
      • Global Wealth Chains (& Networks) with a focus on networks and connections between the music and financial industries
      • Effects of processes of platformisation, reintermediation and financialisation on the interests of local actors (e.g. employees and their representatives) 

    Additional Research Interests

  • Projects & Functions

    Ongoing projects

    • RIFF reintermediation and investment funds in the finance and the music industry (Dissertationsprojekt)

    Coordinated Projects

    Other Previous Projects


    • since 02/2024 | Member of the editorial board of the STANDORTExternal link-journal
    • since 02/2024 | Member of the examination board for Geography (teaching degree)
    • since 02/2024 | Deputy member of the examination board for Geography (M.A.)
    • since 03/2021 | Member of the examination board for Geography (B.Sc./B.A.) 


    2023 Media Communications in Regional Studies AwardExternal link awarded by the Regional Studies Association

  • Presentations, Panels & Sessions
    • „Navigating a platformized music industry”  | workshop lead attendees (non-exhaustive list): LiveKommbinat Leipzig e.V., PRO MUSIK Verband, Kreatives Sachsen, DAACI, Loughborough University, University of Westminster | Björn Braunschweig | Leipzig, Germany | 04.12.2023
    • „AVenue | collaboration model for artists and live venues towards further reach and new revenue streams”  | presentation | at workshop Navigating a platformized music industry in Leipzig, Germany | Björn Braunschweig | 14.11.2023
    • Navigating platformized CCI: The what, who, and how of complecs TECC" | Vortrag | Navigating a platformized music industry in Leipzig, Germany | Björn Braunschweig | 14.11.2023
    • „The future of the video games sector” | workshop lead attendees (non-exhaustive list): Ubisoft, European Game Developers Federation, Serbian Games Association, Erasmus University Rotterdam, TU Berlin | Björn Braunschweig, Janet Merkel | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 14.11.2023
    • “Navigating platformized CCI: The what, who, and how of complecs TECC”  presentation | at workshop The future of the video games sector (Online) | Björn Braunschweig | 14.11.2023
    • „Die komplexen Verflechtungen von transnationalen plattformbasierten Märkten mit regionalen Assets und Entwicklungspfaden“ | presentation | at conference Deutscher Kongress für Geographie in Frankfurt a.M., Germany | Björn Braunschweig | 21.09.2023
    • „If they just weren‘t linked… Plattformen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die regionale Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft“ | panel lead and member | at conference Deutscher Kongress für Geographie in Frankfurt a.M., Germany | Björn Braunschweig, Janet Merkel | 21.09.2023
    • „The complex interdependence of regional assets, transnational platform-based markets, and regional path creation” | presentation | at conference RSA Main Annual Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia | Björn Braunschweig | 15.06.2023
    • „Music Industry 4.0 | Technological Innovation and the Spatial Impacts of Changing Production and Consumption Practices” | session lead | at conference RSA Main Annual Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia | Björn Braunschweig | 15.06.2023
    • Stockholm’s MusicTech Syndrome: Critically Evaluating Regional Path Creation Through Platform-Based Ecosystems” | presentation | at conference RSA Main Annual Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia | Session: “Music Industry 4.0 | Technological Innovation and the Spatial Impacts of Changing Production and Consumption Practices” | Björn Braunschweig, Allan Watson | 15.06.2023
    • The complex interdependence of regional assets, transnational platform-based markets, and regional path creation” | presentation | at Young Scholars Initiative Pre-Conference Workshop (RSA Main Annual Conference) | Björn Braunschweig | 12.06.2023
    • „How platforms enable value extraction from regional ecosystems of the music industry into global production networks of the finance industry“  | presentation | AK Industriegeographie in Naurod, Germany | Björn Braunschweig | 24.11.2022
    • „Global platforms and regional intermediaries: intersecting networks of the music and the finance industry“  | Presentation | 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Joensuu, Finland | Session: „Beyond numbers and algorithms“ | Björn Braunschweig | 22.06.2022
    • „Intersecting networks of the Finance and the Music Industry“  | Vortrag | 6th Global Conference on Economic Geography in Dublin, Ireland |  Session: „‘Following the Money‘ in Financial Geography: Methods, Politics, Praxis“ | Björn Braunschweig | 09.06.2022
    • „Podcasts: Starten | Machen | Durchhalten“  | Presentation | Marketingrunde der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Online) | Björn Braunschweig & Marco Körner | 24.11.2021
    • „Interko2 – Entwicklungsbedarfe der Region“  | Presentation | Fachforum Regionaler Planungsverband Leipzig-Westsachsen (Online) | Björn Braunschweig & Annedore Bergfeld | 17.06.2021
    • „Interkommunaler Blick auf die Berechnung der Eigenentwicklung“  | Presentation | Fachforum Kommunalverbund Niedersachsen (Online) | Björn Braunschweig | 17.05.2021
    • „Digitalisierung im interkommunalen Flächenmanagement“  | Presentation | Internationale Grüne Woche | “Bund-Länder-Dialog Fläche sparen” – Fachforum des Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) (Online) | Björn Braunschweig | 20.01.2021
    •  „Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die regionale Wirtschaft"  | Presentation |  Post-Corona-Workshop der Fördermaßnahme Stadt-Land-Plus des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (Online) | Björn Braunschweig | 18.06.2020
    • „Wohnraum ohne Daten?“  | Presentation | Deutscher Kongress für Geographie in Kiel, Germany | Session: „Wer profitiert von wem? Klein- und Mittelstädte als Profiteure stadtregionalen Wachstums?“ | Björn Braunschweig & Patrick Werner | 27.09.2019
    • „Stadt-Land-Dualismus - Ein überholtes Konstrukt als Faktor angespannter Wohnungsmärkte und erhöhten Flächenverbrauchs?“ | Presentation | 11. Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium in Dresden, Germany | Björn Braunschweig | 08.04.2019
    • „Interko2 – Integriertes Wohnflächenkonzept in großstädtischen Wachstumsregionen“ | Presentation | 11. Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium in Dresden, Deutschland | Anna Dunkl & Björn Braunschweig | 08.04.2019
    • „Wachstum regional denken“  | Presentation | Dezembertagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demographie – Arbeitskreis „Städte und Regionen“ in Berlin, Germany | Björn Braunschweig, Anna Dunkl, Tim Leibert & Annedore Bergfeld | 07.12.2018
    • „Digitalisierung im (inter-)kommunalen Flächenmanagement“ | Presentation | Auftaktkonferenz der Fördermaßnahme Stadt-Land-Plus des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung in Berlin, Germany | Björn Braunschweig & Anna Dunkl | 12.11.2018
    • „Angespannte Wohnungsmärkte – Region HalLeipzig“  | Presentation | Auftaktkonferenz der Fördermaßnahme Stadt-Land-Plus des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung in Berlin, Germany | Björn Braunschweig | 11.11.2018
  • Publications & Editorships


    • Sell, T.; Braunschweig, B., Bergfeld, A.; Henn, S. (2022). Bestandsaufnahme und alternative Konzeption der kommunalen Eigenentwicklung zur flächeneffizienten Steuerung der Siedlungsentwicklung. Das Beispiel der Region Halle-Leipzig. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning, 80(6), pp. 774–788. link.

    Anthology Contributions

    • Braunschweig, B.; Dunkl, A.; Leibert, T.; Bergfeld, A. (2020). Wachstum regional denken. Interkommunales Monitoring als Basis für eine nachhaltige Bevölkerungs- und Siedlungsentwicklung in der Region Leipzig-Westsachsen, in: Dezembertagung des DGD-Arbeitskreises "Städte und Regionen" in Kooperation mit dem BBSR Bonn (Hrsg.). Das neue Wachstum der Städte. Ist Schrumpfung jetzt abgesagt?External link BBSR-Online-Publikation 2020 (01), 99-115.
    • Braunschweig, B. (2019). Stadt-Land-Dualismus als Faktor erhöhter Flächeninanspruchnahme und angespannter Wohnungsmärkte?, in: Meinel, G.; Schumacher, U.; Behnisch, M.; Krüger, T. (Hrsg.). Flächennutzungsmonitoring XI - Flächenmanagement - BodenversiegelungExternal link. Stadtgrün. IÖR Schriften Nr. 77, 159-196. Berlin: Rhombos Verlag.


    Other Publications

  • Podcast Episodes

    A complete overview of all podcast episodes of the SpacEconomicsExternal link-Podcast can be found hereExternal link.

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