Portrait Georg Pohnert vor MS

CV Georg Pohnert

Portrait Georg Pohnert vor MS
Image: Georg Pohnert

Georg Pohnert, born 1968 in Gelnhausen, Germany studied Chemistry at the University of Karlsruhe. He then moved to the University of Bonn and the University of Washington where he pursued his doctoral studies in the Group of Prof. W. Boland. In 1997 he joined the groups of Prof. Bruce Ganem and Prof. David B. Wilson at the Cornell University in Ithaca as a postdoc working on the biochemical and biophysical characterisation of E. coli receptors. He was then appointed to a group leader position at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany where he started his independent research carrier on algal defence reactions.

In 2005, he joined the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland as assistant professor. A Lichtenberg Professorship was awarded to him by the Volkswagen Foundation. This brought him to the Friedrich Schiller University where he holds a chair in Instrumental Analytics. In 2005 Georg Pohnert received the "Akademiepreis für Chemie" of the "Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen" and in 2006 he was awarded the "Nachwuchswissenschafter-Preis für Naturstoffforschung der  DECHEMA".

Georg Pohnert received the 2011 teaching award (Lehrpreis) of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.  He is Editor of the Roempp online dictionaryExternal link, and on the editorial board of Natural Products ReportsExternal linkMarine DrugsExternal link, and Bioanalytical ReviewsExternal link.

Since 2015 Georg Pohnert is has been appointed as Max-Planck-Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology where he heads a research team focused on the chemical regulation of plankton population dynamics.

Georg Pohnert currently serves as vice president for research at the Friedrich Schiller UniversityExternal link.

The research activity of the group is featured in 10 short films on sciencemovies.deExternal link