Political Theory and Geography: Theoretical contributions on anarchist theory, critical phenomenology, political theology and political economy
Theoretical contributions on anarchist theory, critical phenomenology, political theology and political economy
Duration: ongoing
Project Management:Jun.-Prof. Dr. Simon Runkel
Research focus: Geographical imaginaries, Security and Freedom
With recourse to the history of ideas in geography and with a proximity to hermeneutic and phenomenological approaches, a critical geography of the social is being conceptually developed further. Of particular interest are political philosophy and theology in order to explore the intersections between atmopolitics, biopolitics, geopolitics and pyropolitics in the Anthropocene/Capitalocene and to make it fruitful for progressive perspectives and critical geographies.
Simon Runkel, Juniorprof. Dr
Junior Professor of Social Geography

Office hours:
Wednesday 11:00-12:30 in room 230 and by arrangement
Wednesday 11:00-12:30 in room 230 and by arrangement
Literature (selected)
Runkel, S. (2023): Urban Pyropolitics. [in preparation]
Runkel, S. (2023): Geodizee: zum Verhältnis von Geographie und Theologie. [in preparation]