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  1. International students in the library.
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
  2. Awarding of citizens' letters to one first-year student from each faculty at the matriculation ceremony.
    Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
  3. Earthrise: Die Erde über dem Mondhorizont, aufgenommen während des Fluges von Apollo 8
    Image: NASA, Apollo 8 Crew, Bill Anders; License: (Processing: Jim Weigang)
  4. Bacteria are injected into a fungus with an extremely fine tip. The bacteria migrate into the spore-forming tissue (yellow) and are passed on to the next generation.
    Picture: Sean Kilian
  5. The main building of the University of Jena, which has improved to 21st place among German universities in the current THE ranking.
    Image: Thomas Franke-Opitz/Universität Jena
  6. The new core research building in Leipzig.
    Image: Stefan Bernhardt / iDiv
  7. Constanze Schultz (right) from Leibniz IPHT and Dr. Thomas Wichard from the University of Jena use Raman spectroscopy to study the growth of the green alga Ulva.
    Image: Stela Todorova/ Leibniz-IPHT
  8. Four young people try to understand each other via a string telephone
    Graphic: pathdoc/AdobeStock (processed with AI)
  9. Art historian Prof. Dr Juliane von Fircks in the new glass exhibition.
    Image: Nicole Nerger/Universität Jena
  10. LIFE-"Connect" fund
    Graphic: Franziska Eberl edited by Dania Rose-Sperling
  11. The research team collects for their studies unicellular microalgae from the sea.
    Image: Samues Bollendorff, Fondation Tara Océan
  12. At the Science Slam, scientists present their field of research in an entertaining way.
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
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