Dear alumni and friends of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of the University of Jena,
no matter whether you are a former student, a former employee or simply feel connected to our faculty: We would like to stay in touch with you!
Here you will find services and information for alumni of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences. Events such as the Public Saturday Lectures, networks and support associations: There are various opportunities to visit the university and faculty regularly and to stay in touch with friends, colleagues and professors.
Subscribe to our free ChemGeo Alumni Newsletter!
You will receive event tips and news concerning the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences once per semester.
Subscription and past issues
For alumni of all disciplines
Public Saturday Lectures "ChemGeo Aktuell"
The lecture series "ChemGeo aktuell" takes place every winter semester: Professors and researchers of the Faculty report on their current research work. The lectures are aimed at a general audience of all ages. The lectures start at 10:30 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (Humboldtstr. 8, 07743 Jena). Admission is free, the lectures are held in German.
Current program of the Public Saturday Lectures de
Scholarship "Deutschlandstipendium"
Become a sponsor of the Deutschlandstipendium and support students of our Faculty. The university welcomes new sponsors!
The Deutschlandstipendium is a scholarship programme for particularly high-performing and committed students. The costs are shared by a private sponsor (e.g. private individuals, companies, support associations) and the German Federal Government. Sponsors may choose to fund only students from a specific discipline, e.g. chemistry, geography, or the geosciences. Funding amounts to 1800 euros per year, but partial support is also possible.
More information on the programme at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena can be found at www.deutschlandstipendium.uni-jena.de de or obtained by sending an e-mail to deutschlandstipendium@uni-jena.de
Information in English language can be found on the general website www.deutschlandstipendium.de/de/english-1700.htmlExternal link
Alumni portraits wanted
What have you been doing since you graduated? How did you start your career and in which industry are you working now? Please tell us about your professional experience - and thus help current and future students on their way into the job market or in choosing of the right study programme. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to alumni-cgf@uni-jena.de
Would you like to know more?
You would like to stay in touch with us and to receive updates about events and latest news? You have two options:
Alumni Newsletter
Subscribe to our free Alumni Newsletter:
You will receive a newsletter by e-mail with news concerning the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences once per semester. Please write an e-mail with the subject "Alumni Newsletter Registration" to alumni-cgf@uni-jena.de. You can unsubscribe at any time.Here you can find the past issues.
Follow us on FacebookExternal link (@cgfjena).
Chemical institutes
Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Chemie in Jena e. V.
The Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Chemie in Jena e. V. was founded in May 2014. The aim is to support and promote acitivities according to the chemical institutes at the Friedrich Schiller University. Interested people who would like to get involved and to become a member are very welcome.
More information (only in German) de
Chemistry Ball ("Chemikerball")
The Chemistry Ball has a long tradition and is organized every year by the students of the second Master's year. Students, teaching staff and alumni come together to celebrate with live music. The Chemistry Ball usually takes place in May or June. The exact date will be announced each year in the Carnival Lecture on 11 November.
Chemical colloquia of the German Chemical Society, Chapter Jena
At regular intervals, the German Chemical Society, Chapter Jena organizes lectures on current topics in chemistry. Alumni are also welcome. Chemists from all over Germany as well as from abroad are invited as speakers. The chemical colloquia usually takes place on Wednesday at 17:15 in the lecture hall of the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (Humboldtstr. 8, 07743 Jena).
Institute of Geoscience
Geoscientific Colloquium
The Geoscientific Colloquium of the Institute for Geosciences of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Thuringian State Institute for Environment and Geology takes place regularly, every Monday during the teaching period at 16:15 in the lecture hall at Wöllnitzer Straße 7, 07749 Jena.
Current dates
Bio-Geo Colloquium
The Bio-Geo Colloquium is jointly organized by the Institute of Geosciences, the Institute of Microbiology and the Institute of Ecology of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. It takes place every Tuesday during the teaching period at 17:15 in the lecture hall at Wöllnitzer Straße 7, 07749 Jena. Current scientific topics from the intersection of bio- and geosciences will be presented.
Current dates
Mineralogical Collection: exhibitions, guided tours, workshops
Visting the Mineralogical Collection is a perfect opportunity to visit Jena and the university. The rooms in Sellierstraße 6 present a cross-section of the collection, which has been continuously growing. The permanent exhibition also includes a UV cabinet. In addition, there are regularly changing special exhibitions and holiday workshops for children. Guided tours are available on request.
Website of the Mineralogical Collection de
Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena e.V.
The Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena e.V. (GFG e.V.) was founded in 1999 by former students and teaching staff of the Institute of Geosciences. It is a non-profit association of supporters and friends of the institute.
The aim of the GFG e.V. is:
- to promote fundamental and applied research
- to promote acitivites related to geoscience education at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Since 2008, the GFG e.V. has been sponsoring awards for excellent young researchers. For example, every year the best doctorate in the field of geosciences is honoured with the Faculty Award sponsored by the GFG e.V.
Website der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften in Jena e.V. de
Further information
For more information please visit the website of the institute.External link
Institute of Geography
Human Geography Colloquium
The "Human Geography Colloquium" takes place regularly at the Institute of Geography. The subject of the event are lectures on current research debates in human geography. In addition to individual lectures on work from the institute in Jena, the speakers come mainly from universities and research institutes throughout the German-speaking countries. Students, academic staff, doctoral candidates and also alumni are very welcome to the lectures.
Current dates can be found on the website of the Institute of Geography
JLS - Jena Lecture Series in Economic Geography
The JLS, installed in 2012, aims to promote the international exchange of ideas and knowledge in human geography and to involve young scientists in the scientific discussion across disciplinary and national borders. Every year an interesting scientific personality from abroad will be invited to present his/her topics for discussion in a lecture and two workshops in Jena. All interested people - students, doctoral candidates, academic staff and also alumni - are very welcome.
Website Jena Lecture Series in Human/Economic Geography
EGEA stands for European Geography Association and aims to form a network of young scientists, mainly geographers, in Europe. In 2009, one of the many so-called entities was founded in Jena with the aim of networking with young geographers from other countries. For these reasons, exchanges with other entities and excursions and social eventsare organized. EGEA Jena members are mainly students and recent graduates.
Facebook page EGEA JenaExternal link
Alumni Network of the Chairs of Earth Observation and Geoinformatics
The Alumni Network is the perfect platform to stay informed via e-mail about current activites and job offers in the field of earth observation, geoinformatics and GIscience.
In addition, the two departments invite all graduates, former doctoral students and staff members to the annual Alumni Celebration in Jena, usually in the afternoon and evening after the Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences.
More information on the Alumni Network Earth Observation/GeoinformaticsExternal link
Alumni Network of the Institute of Geography
Application for membership in the Alumni Network of the Institute of Geographypdf, 8 kb · de (opens a PDF document)
Subscribe to our free Alumni Newsletter:
You will receive a newsletter by e-mail with news concerning the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences once per semester. Please write an e-mail with the subject "Alumni Newsletter Registration" to alumni-cgf@uni-jena.de. You can unsubscribe at any time.