"Und in Jene lebt sich's bene. Und in Jena lebt sich's gut. Bin ja selber drin gewesen, Wie da steht gedruckt zu lesen, Zehn Semester wohlgemut." (Song verse around 1850)
Jena is a wonderful, active student city. Framed by the core mountains and crossed by the river Saale, it is a surprisingly green city whose face is shaped by the many different people: You meet old Zeissians (former employees of the Carl Zeiss factory, which still exists today) on the one hand and international students on the other. Many young families live here. New contacts can be made quickly. The city has over 100,000 inhabitants, has a technical college and a university. Although Jena is a prestigious university and science city, it does not have the hectic character of a big city. The center is manageable and everything is within easy walking distance. By train, which students in Thuringia can use for free, you can quickly reach Gera, Weimar or Erfurt.
Not least because of the many students (about 25%), the city seems young and offers many opportunities for activities outside of studying. Pubs, clubs, but also associations (also university-internal) offer relaxation, company and sports activities.
Among others, the city has its own soccer team (FC Carl Zeiss JenaExternal link), a basketball team (Science City JenaExternal link) and an American Football Team (HanfriedsExternal link), which are happy to invite you to their games and to participate personally.
Wagnergasse (Kneipenmeile)
Image: IGW-
Student Services Thuringia
About us and from us - cover picture Studierendenwerk Thuringa
Image: Studierendenwerk ThüringenEssential core tasks
- Answering questions about student financing or also providing active financial support to students in special situations
- Management of the refectories and cafeterias
- Legal advice for students
- Advice and support for students with children
- Management of the student dormitories, allocation of dormitory places as well as assistance in the search for accommodation (private accommodation service)
- General social counseling (ASB) for students
- Psychosocial counseling (PSB) for students
- Insurance for students (in connection with activities at the university)
- Free meals with tokens in financial emergencies
- Vaccination subsidies (for study-related stays abroad)
Alle Informationen finden Sie auf der Homepage des Studierendenwerkes ThüringenExternal link.
Semester contribution
Symbol image "full cash register
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Tuition fees are not charged at FSU Jena, but only a so-called semester fee is paid. On the one hand, this includes a ticket for local and regional trains in Thuringia, and on the other hand, it supports the Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link, which, among other things, operates the dining halls and is available as a contact for students. In addition, the FSU student body receives a share of the semester fee. The highest body of the student body is the Student Council (STURA)External link, to which the Student Representative Councils (FSR) are subordinate. These represent the interests of the students and organize, for example, (information) events or parties.
All information about the semester fee, e.g. its composition and amount, can be found on the corresponding university page de.
Long-term study fees
If the duration of studies exceeds a certain time frame, long-term tuition fees must be paid. These amount to approximately 500 € per semester and are usually due if the standard period of study is exceeded by more than 4 semesters.
Detailed and up-to-date information on long-term tuition fees can be found on the corresponding university page de.
Logo Friedolin
Image: Uni JenaFriedolinExternal link (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität online) ist das Online-Studienverwaltungsportal der Universität Jena. Hier finden sich alle Informationen rund ums Studium. Außerdem wird hier das Studienverwaltungsprogramm während der Studieneinführungstage detailliert erklärt.
Course Catalog
Among the most important publicly accessible information is the course catalogExternal link. Here, all courses and modules offered in the corresponding semester are listed.
Under the entry "Events for students", general offers for students of all disciplines are listed. This includes language courses, introductory courses of the libraryExternal link in research work and the use of databases, offers of the International Office and offers of the University Computer Center.
General and special offers from the field of geosciences are listed in Friedolin under Faculty of Chemical and Geosciences " Institute of Geosciences. Also listed here are subjects that are taken on an optional basis and for which only a certificate of attendance is issued. These include, for example, the course English for Geoscientists, which is also recognized as a language certificate for Erasmus stays in the Language Center (please contact the Erasmus faculty advisor for information!) or offers such as job-hunting seminars. Please check the courses offered in all academic years and not only in the one you are currently enrolled in.
Under the DatesExternal link tab you will find all deadlines and dates for course enrollments and the semester times. There is usually a three-week exam period immediately following the end of the lecture period.
Personal log-in area
Upon enrollment at FSU Jena, personal login information will be sent. These will take you to the internal area of Friedolin.
In the internal area, participant places for any events can be requested, and individual timetables are also issued. Exam registrations are also made via the portal. Please note: Exam registrations must be made no later than 6 weeks after the start of lectures! Theses (Bachelor or Master) cannot be registered via Friedolin, but only via the examination office de!
In the personal area of Friedolin, you can also view and print out the certificates of study and the current grade list. The lecturers enter examination results directly in Friedolin.
Friedolin will be presented to you in detail during the introductory study days.
ThULB (library)
Thuringia State Library Teaching Apprenticeship
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)The ThULBExternal link (Thuringian University and State Library) is an important contact point for students. The library card is integrated in the Thoska, but must be activated in the main library buildingExternal link before the first use. Workstations (with and without PCs) as well as scanners, copiers and printers are available in the library buildings. The thoska is also required to use these devices.
Library building
Im Hauptgebäude mit integrierter Cafeteria sind vorwiegend die Buchbestände der Geisteswissenschaften untergebracht. Außerdem können hier Magazin-Bestellungen abgeholt werden. Für die Benutzung der Spinde zum Einschließen von Wertgegenständen wird als Pfand eine 2-Euro-Münze benötigt.
Für Naturwissenschaftler gibt es eine eigene naturwissenschaftliche TeilbibliothekExternal link am Abbe-Platz-Campus in der 6. Etage eines der Gebäude. Hier befindet sich die geowissenschaftliche Fachliteratur. Für die Spinde muss ein eigenes Vorhängeschloss mitgebracht werden!
Weitere nützliche Teilbibliotheken sind die der Fachrichtung PhysikExternal link im Physik-Hauptgebäude am Max-Wien-Platz 1, der Fachrichtung ChemieExternal link im Prüfungsamtsgebäude Humboldtstraße 11 und die des Fachbereichs Biochemie, MikrobiologieExternal link etc. am Beutenberg, Hans-Knöll-Straße 1.
The main building with integrated cafeteria houses mainly the book collections of the humanities. In addition, magazine orders can be picked up here. A 2-euro coin is required as a deposit for the use of the lockers to lock up valuables.
For natural scientists, there is a separate natural science sub-libraryExternal link at the Abbe-Platz-Campus on the 6th floor of one of the buildings. This is where the geoscientific literature is located. You must bring your own padlock for the lockers!
Other useful sub-libraries are those of the Department of PhysicsExternal link in the main physics building at Max-Wien-Platz 1, of the Department of ChemistryExternal link in the examination office building at Humboldtstraße 11, and of the Department of Biochemistry, MicrobiologyExternal link, etc. at Beutenberg, Hans-Knöll-Straße 1.
Study financing
Image: IGWThere are various financing options available during your studies. Both the German Studentenwerk and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen provide a lot of information on their websites. In general, the following options exist:
If your own financial means or those of your parents are not sufficient to finance your studies, you can apply for BAFöG. This is a state study financing, which usually consists half of an interest-free loan and half of a grant, which does not have to be repaid. The amount of BAFöG funding is calculated individually.
Information on BAFöG can be found on the pages of the Deutschen StudentenwerkesExternal link or the Studierendenwerkes ThüringenExternal link.
Loans, credits and funds
Another way of financing studies is through credits or loans. These can be private bank loans or special student loans. These include the KfW-Studienkredit (Reconstruction Loan Corporation) or loans from the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research). Information on student loans can be found on the pages of the Deutschen StudentenwerkesExternal link or the Studierendenwerkes ThüringenExternal link.
The Studierendenwerk Thüringen also offers student loansExternal link. These include hardship fund loans for a maximum of 12 months during the graduation phase as well as short-term loans for short-term financial assistance. Bridging loans can also be granted. Please contact the Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link personally for more information.
In Germany, there are numerous scholarships awarded by foundations and institutions to support studies. As a rule, scholarships comprise a fixed lump sum for study costs. Depending on the scholarship, this can be supplemented by a so-called basic scholarship, which is calculated individually. In addition to financial support, some scholarships also include non-material support. In this case, so-called trusted lecturers at their university are available to the students as contact persons. In addition, the "AufiegsstipendiumExternal link" (advancement scholarship) program has been developed especially for people with professional experience.
Some universities, including FSU Jena, award the Deutschlandstipendium. This scholarship is awarded exclusively to FSU students for one year at a time. An application must be made again each year. Half of the money for the financial support comes from the federal government and half from private sponsors, companies, etc. All information on the Deutschlandstipendium can be found at www.deutschlandstipendium.uni-jena.de de.
The Studierendenwerk Thüringen has listed a selection of foundations and institutionsExternal link on its website that award scholarships to support studies. Please note the application deadlines.
Further helpful links on the topic of scholarships can also be found on the website of the Deutschen StudentenwerkesExternal link.
Further financing options
In exceptional cases, it is possible to apply for housing allowanceExternal link and unemployment benefit IIExternal link. Please inform yourself about this on the pages of the Deutschen Studentenwerkesn.
Benefits for students
Students are entitled to a number of benefitsExternal link. For example, BAföG recipients are exempt from broadcasting fees. In addition, a main residence bonusExternal link is paid by the city of Jena. Further information can be found on the website of the Studierendenwerkes ThüringenExternal link.
Students with a child
For students with children, for example, there is the possibility of receiving a free meal for children in the refectories.
Please inform yourself on the pages of the Studierendenwerkes ThüringenExternal link and contact the staff there.
Contact person
For general questions regarding study support, please contact the Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link at any time.
If you have questions specifically concerning the geosciences, excursions, etc., please contact the institute's study advisors.
Apartment search
tree house
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)The Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link operates several WohnheimeExternal link for students. The all-inclusive rents, including utilities, range roughly between €129 and €328 per month. The rooms are mostly furnished. The period of residence is usually limited to the duration of a standard period of study. Except in exceptional cases (illness, students with children, special urgency for foreign students), residence places are allocated according to the time of receipt of the application. Please note the application deadlines!
- Start of studies in the winter semester: application deadline April 1 of the same year
- Beginning of studies in the summer semester: Application begins October 1 of the previous year.
Other useful links and platforms
There are numerous platforms and websites on the Internet that provide information about current housing offers. The Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link also has current housing offers listed on its website and also helps with finding private roomsExternal link.
A small selection of housing portals can be found below.
- Start of studies in the winter semester: application deadline April 1 of the same year
Job advertisement links
- AbsolventaExternal link
- Academic KeysExternal link
- AcademicTransfer NLExternal link
- Baker HughesExternal link
- BDG StellenanzeigenExternal link (Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler)
- DFG StellenanzeigenExternal link (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- Earthtime-EUExternal link
- Earthworks-jobsExternal link
- Geoscience JobsExternal link
- InfoGEOExternal link
- IODP OpportunitiesExternal link
- learn4goodExternal link
- Jobbörse der ArbeitsagenturExternal link
- MARUM StellenangeboteExternal link
- naturejobsExternal link
- PAGES paleo-jobsExternal link
- RAG AustriaExternal link
- Science CareersExternal link
- SCIENCE-JOBS.DEExternal link
- Shell JobsExternal link
- Staatliche Dienste StellanangeboteExternal link
Source: www.gmit-online.deExternal link
- For more information contact lecturers and professors
PhD positions
Are you looking for a PhD position? Become a student member of the Geo Societies and receive email offers about available PhD positions in Germany.