Prof. Dr. Peter G. Malischewsky (Seismology)
Prof. Dr. Peter G. Malischewsky
Image: IGWProf. Dr. Peter G. Malischewsky
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Institute for Geosciences
Burgweg 11
D-07749 Jena, Germany
++49-(0)3641 - 9-48671
Contact: E-Mail
Research focus and publications
- Theory of seismic waves, surface waves, and waveguides
- Seismology
- Seismic and ultrasonic tomography
- H/V-method and applications
- Ultrasonic sound and NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
- Auxetic materials
- Seismometry
- Theory of fractals
- Miscellaneous
Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae (see also "Biographical Sketch of Peter G. Malischewsky" in "Handbook of Earthquake & Engineering Seismology", Part B, Academic Press, 2003)
- Birth as son of Baltic parents: May 09, 1945
- 1963-1968: Study of physics at the FSU Jena
- 1968: Diploma in Physics
- 1974: Dr. rer. nat. in geophysics at the AdW
- 1985: Working stay in Moscow, Tbilisi and Leningrad
- 1989: Dr. sci. nat. in geophysics at the AdW
- 1994: Dr. habil. in Theoretical Physics, FSU Jena
- 1999-2000: Visiting Professor at the Institute IIMAS at UNAM, Mexico
- 2000: adjunct professor in geophysics, FSU Jena
- 2004: Visiting Professor at the Instituto de Geofisica at UNAM, Mexico
- Johann-Gottfried-Herder-Medal in gold
- Institute Award of the Central Institute for Physics of the Earth
- Entry in "Who's Who in the World" since 2007, p. 1607, Marquis Who'sWho, USA
- Certificate of "Excellence in Reviewing" from the journal "Wave Motion", 2013
- UGM (Mexican Geophysical Union)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Geophysics Journal
2. Seismology
- P. Malischewsky: Application of the improved version of Alsop's method to the passage of Rayleigh waves through a vertical discontinuity (in Russian), Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fiz. Zemli (1980) 11, 87-89.
- H. Neunhöfer; P. G. Malischewsky: Anomalous polarization of Love waves indicating anisotropy along paths in EurasiaExternal link, Gerl. Beitr. Geophys. 90 (1981), 179-186.
- E. N. Its; P. Malischewsky: Propagation of Rayleigh waves through a loosely-bonded vertical interface of elastic media (in Russian), Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fiz. Zemli (1987) 6, 66-72.
- E. N. Its; P. Malischewsky: Reflection and transmission of Love waves at vertical unwelded interface (in Russian), Ger. Beitr. Geophys. 97 (1988), 144-151.
- Neunhöfer; P. G. Malischewsky: Observation of anisotropy of Love waves crossing the Eurasian continent, Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 51 (1988), 157-158.
- P. Malischewsky: Interpretation of surface wave spectra in laterally inhomogeneous mediaExternal link, Geophys. J. Int. 99 (1989), 305-306.
- P. Malischewsky Auning; C. Lomnitz; F. Wuttke; R. Saragoni: Prograde Rayleigh-wave motion in the valley of Mexico, Geofisica Internacional 45 (2006), 149-162.
- Tran Thanh Tuan; P. G. Malischewsky; M. Ohrnberger: Dispersion of zero-frequency Rayleigh waves in an isotropic model 'Layer over half-space', Geophys. J. Int. 175 (2008), 537-540.
- K. D. Klinge; M. Korn; S. Funke; Th. Plenefisch; E. Schmedes; J. Wassermann; P. Malischewsky: More than 100 years of instrumental observation of earthquakes in the swarm-quake region Vogtland / NW Bohemia (in German), Z. geol. Wiss. 36 (2008), 405-422.
- J. Torizin; G. Jentzsch; P. Malischewsky; J. Kley; N. Abakanov; A. Kurskeev: Rating of seismicity and reconstruction of the fault geometries in northern Tien Shan within the project "Seismic hazard Assessment of Almaty", J. of Geodynamics 48 (2009), 269-278.
- P. Malischewsky: Seismological implications of impedance-like boundary conditions, Proc. of Days on Diffraction 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia, 131-134.
- P. G. Malischewsky; T. Forbriger; T. C. Lomnitz: Unusual equivocal Rayleigh-dispersion curves for simple models taking into account the special propagation conditions in the valley of Mexico City (CDMX)-Preliminary results, Geofisica Internacional 56 (2017) 1, 7-12.
- P. Malischewsky; T. Forbriger: May Rayleigh waves propagate with group- and phase-velocities of opposite sign in the valley ov Mexico City?, Geofisica Internacional 59-2 (2020),101-104.
- T. Forbriger; L. Gao; P. Malischewsky; M. Ohrnberger; Y. Pan: A single Rayleigh mode may exist with multiple values of phase-velocity at one frequency, Geophys. J. Int. 222 (2020) 1, 582-594.
3. Seismic and ultrasonic tomography
- Th. Meier; P. G. Malischewsky; H. Neunhöfer: Reflection and transmission of surface waves at a vertical discontinuity and imaging of lateral heterogeneity using reflected fundamental Rayleigh waves, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 87 (1997), 1648-1661.
- P. Malischewsky; Th. Meier: The use of GRSN-data for tomography with reflected surface waves, Ten Years of German Regional Seismic network (GRSN), Wiley-VCH, 2002, 125-132.
- Th. Meier; P. G. Malischewsky. Approximation of surface wave mode conversion at a passive continental margin by a mode-matching technique, Geophys. J. Int. 141 (2000), 12-24.
4. H/V-method and applications
- P. Malischewsky; F. Scherbaum: Love's formula and H/V-ratio (ellipticity) of Rayleigh waves, Wave Motion 40 (2004), 57-67.
- P. Malischewsky, Y. Zaslavsky; M. Gorstein; V. Pinsky; T. T. Tran; F. Scherbaum; H. Flores Estrella: Some new theoretical considerations about the ellipticity of Rayleigh waves in the light of site-effect studies in Israel and Mexico, Geofisica Internacional 49 (2010), 141-151.
- Tran Thanh Tuan; F. Scherbaum; P. G. Malischewsky: On the relationship of peaks and troughs of the ellipticity (H/V) of Rayleigh waves and the transmission response of single layer over half-space models, Geophys. J. Int. 184 (2011), 793-800.
- H. Flores, P. Malischewsky; G. Jentzsch: H/V spectral ratio analysis and Rayleigh modelization in Eastern Thuringia, Germany, Geofisica Internacional 52 (2013), 355-364.
- Tran Thanh Tuan; P. Malischewsky; Doan Thu Huong: Property of the H/V ratio at the osculation point in LFB model (in Vietnamese), VSSM 7-9/11/2013, 1275-1282.
- P. Malischewsky; V. Karakostas; E. Papadimitriou: Some new findings concerning the theory of H/V-method (in Greek), Physics News 9 (2014), 41-42.
- E, Lunedei; P. Malischewsky: Chapter 15: A Review and Some New Issues on the Theory of the H/V Technique for Ambient Vibrations, 371-394, In: A. Ansal (Ed.): Perspectives on European Erthquake Engineering and Seismology, Vol. 2, Springer, 2014.
- Tran Thanh Tuan; Pham Chi Vinh; P. Malischewsky; A. Aoudia: Approximate formula of peak frequency of H/V ratio curve in multilayered model and its use in H/V ratio technique, Pure Appl. Geophys. 173 (2016), 487-498.
- P. C.Vinh; T. T. Tuan; L. T. Hue; V. T. N. Anh; T. T. T. Dung; N. T. K. Linh; P. Malischewsky: Exact formula for the horizontal-to-vertical displacement ratio for Rayleigh waves in layered orthotropic half-spaces, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146 (2019), 1279-1289.
5. Ultrasonic sound and NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
- P. Malischewsky; F. Wuttke; A. Ziegert: Use of acoustical surface waves for non-destructive testing (in German), Schriftenreihe Werkstoffwissenschaften, Band 17, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin 2002, 135-140.
- P. Malischewsky; J.-D. Schnapp: Surface waves and material testing from seismological view (in German), DGZfP-Jahrestagung Salzburg, 2004, Berichtsband BB89-CD, 1-6.
- P. Malischewsky Auning: A note on Rayleigh-wave velocities as a function of the material parameters, Geofisica Internacional 43 (2004), 507-509.
- P. Malischewsky; M. Wolf; F. Wuttke; A. Ziegert: Non-destructive testing with Rayleigh waves and new formulas for Rayleigh waves (in German), 65. Jahrestagung der DGG, Graz 2005, UI03, 279-280.
- P. Malischewsky: Comparison of approximated solutions for the phase velocity of
- Rayleigh waves, Nanotechnology 16 (2005), 995-996.
- P. Malischewsky; J.-D. Schnapp; A. Ziegert: The ellipticity of Rayleigh waves and non-destructive testing, ECNDT, Berlin 2006, We. 2. 4. 3.
- V. Pham; P. G. Malischewsky: Explanation for Malischewsky's approximate expression for the Rayleigh wave velocity, Ultrasonics 45 (2006), 77-81.
- Pham Chi Vinh; P. G. Malischewsky: An approach for obtaining approximate formulas for the Rayleigh wave velocity, Wave Motion 44 (2007), 549-562.
- Pham Chi Vinh; P. G. Malischewsky: An improved approximation of Bergmann's form for the Rayleigh wave velocity, Ultrasonics 47 (2007), 49-54.
- Pham Chi Vinh; P. G. Malischewsky: Improved approximations of the Rayleigh wave velocity, J. of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 21 (2008), 337-352.
- P. Malischewsky; Tran Thanh Tuan: A special relation between Young's modulus, Rayleigh-wave velocity, and Poisson's ratio, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126 (2009), 2851-2853.
6. Auxetic materials
- F. Scarpa; P. G. Malischewsky: Some new considerations concerning the Rayleigh-wave velocity in auxetic materials, Phys. Stat. Sol. 245 (2008), 578-583.
- Pham Chi Vinh; P. G. Malischewsky: Improved approximations for the Rayleigh wave velocity in [-1, 0.5], Vietnam J. of Mechanics, 30 (2008), 347-358.
- P. Malischewsky; A. Lorato; F. Scarpa; M. Ruzzene: Unusual behaviour of wave propagation in auxetic structures: P-waves on free surface and S-waves in chiral lattices with piezoelectrics, Phys. Stat. Sol. 249 (2012), 1339-1346.
7. Seismometry
- . Malischewsky; Ch. Teupser; W. Ullmann: General Theory of the Vertical Seismograph with special Regard to the Type VSJ-I (in German), Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1970.
- K. D. Klinge; P. Malischewsky; B. Tittel: Historical seismological instruments and documents in East German stations and in the castle of Ranis, Proc. of the workshop "Historical Seismic Instruments and Documents: a Heritage of Great Scientific and Cultural Value". Luxemburg, 1997, 61-71.
8. Theory of Fractals
- P. G. Malischewsky: A very special fractal: Gingko of Jena, Geofisica Internacional 53 (2014), 95-100.
9. Miscellaneous
- P. Malischewsky: Obituary Cinna Lomnitz (1926-2016), IASPEI Newsletter December 2016, 4-5.
- P. Malischewsky: In Memoriam Cinna Lomnitz (1926-2016), Geofisica Internacional, 55 (2016) 4, 1-2.
- P. Malischewsky: In Memoriam Cinna Lomnitz (1926-2016), DGG-Mitteilungen 3/2016, S. 40.
- P. Malischewsky: The Wiechert painting in the former Institute of Earthquake Research (in German), In: Festschrift 25 Jahre Institut für Geowissenschaften, FSU Jena 2018, 83-91.