Ion chromatography (IC)
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)Ion chromatography can be applied to determine the anions F-, Cl-, Br-, I-, SO42-, NO3-, NO3-, and PO43- ranging from main element to trace element concentration in water samples.
Ion chromatography system Integrion-RFIC (ThermoFisher Scientific) with Autosampler AS-AP, Eluent generator, Conductivity detector Integrion CD with Supressor ADRS 500, and UV/VIS detector VWD-IC
Anion separation columns IonPac AS18-Fast-4µm with precolumn, respectively IonPac AS11-HC 4µm with precolumn are available; KOH (gradient) is used as eluent.
An integrated automated sample preparation removes alkaline, alkaline earth and transition elements as well as organic impurities (InGuard Na/HRP and enrichment column IonPac UTAC-LP2).
For sepraration of humic substances disposible columns OnGuard P are available while for matrix separation of von Cl-, Br-, I- disposible columns OnGuard II Ag/H can be used.
Sample preparation
Liquid samples (a volume of at least 5 mL is required, (if less volume is available please contact Dr. Dirk Merten in advance) must be free of particles (filtration < 0.45μm or suitable centrifugation).
Samples must delivered with a list of electrical conductivities. If samples originate from extractions or the digestion of solid samples the used weight of the solid samples and the volume, concentration and kind of extracting solutions have to be delivered.