Image: Angewandte GeologieThe precise monitoring of pH, O2 and CO2 as boundary conditions of experiments or system reactions plays an important role in many disciplines. Measurements with a high spatial resolution offer many advantages over the use of electrode-based methods. By using the VisiSensTD System, fluorescence intensities of planar chemical-optical sensor foils for pH, O2 and CO2 can be simultaneously measured in a variety of sample media. Sensor foils with a flexible geometry and sizes up to several cm2 are feasible as well as resolutions for data acquisition can be achieved in sub-mm2 range. The temporal resolution depends on the operator’s desired measurement frequency.
VisiSens TD Camera/Sensor-System with integrated LED for the measurement of pH, O2 and CO2.
VisiSens TD Big Area Imaging Kit for exciting sensor foils from larger distances, if camera LED is insufficient for excitement (currently under use in experiment).
Sample preparation
An individual preparation and agreement are necessary before operating the system. Furthermore, a calibration customized to the experimental design needs to be conducted. Sensor foils are ordered according to demand and can be customized depending on the requirement.