Crystalline network and embedded structure of the collaboration project
Map: Janis PingelCollaborative project German-Chinese Disposal Research - Pilot project: Reanalysis of BRUIG THM Mock-up Tests
BMWK Project grant: 02E11850E
Duration: 01.08.2020 bis 28.02.2022
Project leader: Prof. Thorsten Schäfer
Person in charge: Janis Pingel
The geotechnical barrier (Bentonite) is a major component of a multi-barrier-system for storing radioactive waste in deep geological repositories. In scope of the Chinese-German pilot project, preliminary THMC process examinations are planned, with focus on GMZ bentonite in contrast to already existent MX-80 bentonite data. In close cooperation of the FSU-Jena and the KIT-INE, two main aspects are being investigated:
- The role of accessory minerals alongside montmorillonite, with respect to the erosion behavior and barrier-integrity, as well as
- The interaction of corroding canister-materials with the GMZ bentonite. Based on
Based on the two major issues of the pilot project, following tasks are scheduled: Characterization and quantification of the accessory minerals in the GMZ bentonite (mineralogy, grain size distribution, reactivity) as well as the conduction of erosion experiments within a glacial melt water environment and a canister material corrosion analysis in presence of GMZ bentonite. The establishment of initial reactive models, especially with respect to HMC-processes, is being planed simultaneously. Both activities are conducted in close partnership with the Chinese research groups (BRIUG).