On our homepage you can receive information about teaching and research activities at the Friedrich Schiller University's Chair of Applied Geology. This Chair is very much involved in the education in the fields of earth sciences and biogeosciences.
We research basic environmental processes, especially the relations, interactions and feedbacks between the litho-, pedo-, hydro- and biospheres. Focussing on these issues is in line with the central importance of research done in earth sciences in order to meet future challenges of our society, particularly those ones related to the limited availability of natural resources, the care for sustainable development, the global change and the early detection of geohazards.
Screenshot: Sarah HupferCycling of dissolved organic nutrients and indications for nutrient limitations in contrasting Amazon rainforest ecosystemsExternal link
Lange D F, Schröter S A, da Luz F M, Pires E, Santos Y R,·
da Silva J S, Hildmann S, Hoffmann T, Ferreira S J F,
Schäfer T, Quesada C A, Simon C, Gleixner G (2024) Cycling of dissolved organic nutrients and indications for nutrient limitations in contrasting Amazon rainforest ecosystems, Biogeochemistry 1-12.