Green Office invites students and employees to a sustainability action week
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research-funded project "Hands On! The MINT-Makerspace" begins at the Abbe Center of Photonics.
The Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management is organizing the sixth "FAIRest Dataset Award".
Conference for research data management trainers and data stewards
40 Participants from the EU DigiQ consortium gathered in Jena.
Ready to launch a new research collaboration? The LIFE-"Connect" fund is here to support you! Apply until March 31th 2025.
More than 120 universities and research institutes join ‘SciXit’
City and University of Jena launch "Transformationslabor Hochschule" project funded by the Stifterverband
Greater account of gender and gender aspects in research is the project's aim
University of Jena once again in the top group of the "StudyCheck" student portal
an information service from BMBF for young STEM researchers
New service for digital planning, implementation and documentation of experiements