Nanoimaging - Heintzmann Group

Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Nanobiophotonics)

The group is concerned with the development of new techniques for measuring multidimensional information in small biological objects such as cells, cell organelles, molecules or other biologically relevant structures. We want to elucidate how molecules interact in living cells at certain locations (e.g. in cell organelles) and at certain times (e.g. after stimulation by another molecule). To achieve this goal, we use molecules that can be switched between different fluorescent states by excitation with light of different wavelengths. If associated state transitions are saturated, the resulting nonlinear dependencies can be used to achieve theoretically unlimited resolution, for example by structured illumination (SI).

Further information on the working group can be found hereExternal link.


Rainer Heintzmann, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Chair of Physical Chemsitry I
Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann
Image: Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann
Room E016
Helmholtzweg 4
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link


  1. Ali, Maryam Abdulla Jasim Habib PhD student Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Nanobiophotonics)

    Albert-Einstein-Straße 9
    07745 Jena

  2. Cheng, Shangjun PhD student Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Nanobiophotonics)

    Room K012
    Helmholtzweg 4
    07743 Jena

  3. Heintzmann, Rainer, Univ.-Prof. Dr Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Nanobiophotonics)

    Room E016
    Helmholtzweg 4
    07743 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann
    Image: Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann
  4. Kretschmer, Robert Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Nanobiophotonics)

    Room HG184
    Albert-Einstein-Straße 9
    07745 Jena

  5. Täuber, Daniela, Dr PostDoc Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Nanobiophotonics)

    Room E023
    Lessingstraße 10
    07743 Jena

  6. Zarei Oshtolagh, Hossein PhD student Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Nanobiophotonics)

    Room K012
    Helmholtzweg 4
    07743 Jena