
Lectures, seminars and practical courses in Analytical Chemistry are announced for the summer term 2025

Summer Term 2025 (updated 15.03.25 - to be continued)

  • Lecture: Analytical Chemistry II BBGW 4.1/BGEO 4.3.4

Begin: 08.04.2025; IAAC S1, 10-12 am, (Tuesdays)

Exam date: not yet announced

You can find teaching materials in moodle (not yet activated).


  • Seminar: Analytical Chemistry II BBGW 4.1/BGEO 4.3.4

Begin: 07.04.2025; IAAC HS, 10-12 pm (Mondays)

You can find teaching materials in moodle (not yet activated).


  • Lecture: Analytische Chemie III BC 6.1

Beginn: 10.04.2025; Lessingstraße 8 / SR 1 TO , 10-12 pm (Thursdays)

Exam date: not yet announced

You can find teaching materials in moodle (not yet activated).


  • Seminar: Analytische Chemie III BC 6.1

Begin: second half of the term; Lessingstraße 8 / SR 1 TO (113), at 12 -  2 pm (Fridays)


  • Practical course: Environmental analysis MCEU 2.3

Introduction to the practical course at the end of the first lecture by Prof. Dr. Georg Pohnert

The beginning of the practical part of trace analysis of "organic compounds" will be announced.

Documents and further experiments can be found in Moodle. 

Scope: 3 full-day trials on Tuesdays 
(2 experiments at IAAC, 1 experiment at the Institute of Geosciences)


Winter Term 2024/2025 (updated 08.09.2024)

Vorlesung Analytical Chemistry I (BC 5.1, BBGW 3.2, BGEO 3.5.3)

Lecture Analytical Chemistry II (BC 5.1)
Lecture Analytical Chemistry I (
BBGW 3.2, BGEO 3.5.3)

Begin: Tuesday, 15.10.2024; 10-12 pm, Humboldtstraße 8 / HS IAAC

Seminar Analytical Chemistry II (BC 5.1)

Module (BC 5.1): Seminar Analytical Chemistry II for Chemists: two groups (30 students each) on Tuesday (14-16 Uhr) and Thursday (8-10 Uhr).

Dienstag, 15.10.2024; 14-16 Uhr, Präsenzveranstaltung 
(presence, Seminarraum 1, Lessingstr.8)

Donnerstag, 17.10.2024; 8-10 Uhr, Präsenzveranstaltung 
(presence, Seminarraum 1, Lessingstr.8)


Practical course Analytical Chemistry II  (BC 5.1)

Einführung in das Praktikum (BC 5.1) findet am 17.10.2024 (Donnerstag) im Rahmen des ersten Seminars um 8 Uhr statt. Die Anwesenheit ist verpflichtend.

Beginn des Praktikums am 23.10.2024 (Mittwoch). Beginn zwischen 8-10 Uhr; Ende: nachmittags (je nach Versuch).


Seminar Analytical Chemistry I (BBGW 3.2, BGEO 3.5.3)

Begin: Dienstag, 15.10.2024; 16-18 Uhr, Präsenzveranstaltung (presence, Seminarraum 1, Lessingstr. 8)


Practical course Special Analytics (BC 5.5.2)

Lecture: Prof. Dr. Georg Pohnert
Literature seminar: (Start December 2024; Besprechungsraum 127, 12-14 Uhr, montags nach Absprache)
Experimental program: (Start end of January 2025)

Experiment 1: Mass spectrometry: LC-MS
Experiment 2: Mass spectrometry: GC-MS