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Project start: Führungsethik
The project "Führungsethik als Ethik in den Wissenschaften" (Leadership Ethics as Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities) started in January 2019. Supported by the Carl Zeiss FoundationExternal link, the project aims to integrate leadership ethics competencies as a training component in the Master's program for natural scientists.
On February 12 and 13, the kick-off event of the project took place at the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEWExternal link, University of Tübingen). The individual work packages of the cooperation partners were specified.
Further information can be found under ProjectsExternal link.
The press release from May 15, 2019 can be found hereExternal link.
Learning-to-Teach Lab: Science (LTL:S)
From 2019, the Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung (quality offensive for teacher training) in Jena will enter its second funding phase. Within the framework of ProfJL² de, a learning laboratory (LTL:S) will be established by the chemistry didactics and the chair of School Pedagogy and Teaching Research de. Among other things, topics from scientific research will be prepared for school together with scientists, students and committed teachers. Further information can be found under ProjectsExternal link.
Anyone interested can contact Philipp Engelmann de for further information, questions or expressions of interest. All (future) science teachers are addressed.
Image: PROFJL² (FSU Jena) -
In-Service Teacher Trainings Programme
Please note our current in-service teacher training program de with exciting topics for your science classes.
You can download, view and distribute our
- Flyer [PDF, 827 KB]External link,
- the brochure [PDF, 4 MB]External link and
- the program poster [PDF, 2 MB]External link.
We look forward to your visit!