Irradiation experiment

Photocatalysis – New Method for Hydrogen Production (Jena TV)

Jena TV presents another segment on photocatalysis as a new method for hydrogen production. The work is presented by Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert, Dr. Jacob Schneidewind, and the research group of Kalina Peneva.
Irradiation experiment
Image: Screenshot von Jena TV


"Green hydrogen is expected to soon enable climate-neutral heating, industry, and mobility. Scientists at the University of Jena are working tirelessly to meet the demand for this energy carrier. Inspired by photosynthesis, they aim to harness energy from sunlight and store it in the form of hydrogen. However, there is still much to be done before this can be achieved efficiently, sustainably, and cost-effectively."

Further information and the video can be found on Jena TVExternal link.