Here you can find a selection of ongoing coordinated research projects and networks involving the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences.
More information about our research acitivities:
- Research projects of the entire Friedrich Schiller UniversityExternal link
- The University Bibliography JenaExternal link: Publications of the university members
- Research Information Portal (FIS Portal):External link Database of third-party funded research projects of Thuringian universities since 2016
Excellence Strategy
The faculty is part of the Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse", which has been in existence since 2019. The University of Jena is participating in the current excellence competition with three further draft proposals. More about the Excellence Strategy at the University of Jena
Projects funded through the Excellence Initiative
The Faculty is involved in the following projects funded through the Excellence Initiative
Cluster of Excellence Balance of the MicroverseExternal link
DFG Research Centres
The Faculty is involved in the following DFG Research Centre:
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research iDivExternal link
DFG National Research Data Infrastructure
NFDI4ChemExternal link
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Christoph Steinbeck -
DFG Collaborative Research Centres
SFB 1076 AquaDiva: Understanding the Links between Surface and Subsurface Biogeosphere
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Kirsten Küsel, Prof. Dr Kai Uwe Totsche, Prof Susan Trumbore, PhDSFB 1127 ChemBioSys: Chemical Mediators in Complex BiosystemsExternal link
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Christian Hertweck, Prof. Dr Georg PohnertSFB 1278 Poly-Target: Polymer-based nanoparticle libraries for targeted anti-inflammatory strategies
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Ulrich S. SchubertSFB / TR 234 CataLIGHT: Light-driven Molecular Catalysts in Hierarchically Structured Materials - Synthesis and Mechanistic StudiesExternal link
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić (University Jena), Prof. Dr Sven Rau (University Ulm)SFB 1375 NOA: Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic Scales
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Ulf Peschel, Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Stefanie Gräfe -
DFG Priority Programmes
The following DFG Priority Programmes are coordinated by members of the Faculty:
SPP 2491 „Interaktives Schalten von Spinzuständen“ de
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Birgit WeberSPP 2248 Polymer based batteries
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Ulrich S. SchubertThe Faculty is involved in further DFG Priority Programmes:
SPP 1158 Antarctic ResearchExternal link
SPP 1374 Biodiversity ExploratoriesExternal link
SPP 1833 Building a Habitable EarthExternal link
SPP 2017 Mountain building processes in 4DExternal link
Completed DFP Priority Programmes:
SPP 1315 Biogeochemical Interfaces in SoilExternal link (2007-2018)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Kai Uwe TotscheSPP 1568 Design and Generic Principles of Self-Healing MaterialsExternal link (2011-2020)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Ulrich SchubertSPP 1594 Topological Engineering of Ultra-strong GlassesExternal link (2012-2020)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Ing Lothar Wondraczek -
DFG Research Units
The following DFG Research Units are coordinated by members of the Faculty:
FOR 5301 FuncHeal - the next generation of self-healing materials – restoring electronic, optical and transport properties in soft materials for energy storage and conversion
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Ulrich S. SchubertThe Faculty is involved in further DFG Research Units:
FOR 2285 Debris Disks in Planetary Systems External link
FOR 2811 Adaptive Polymer Gels with Model-Network StructureExternal link
Completed DFG Research Units
FOR 2179 MAD Soil Microaggregates: Formation and Turnover of the Structural Building Blocks of Soil (2015-2023)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Kai Uwe TotscheFOR 1738 Heme and heme degradation productsExternal link (2012-2018)
EU Projects, ERC Grants
ERC Advanced Grant
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Ulrich S. SchubertERC Starting Grant
CILCatExternal link
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Martin OschatzHORIZON
POLYSTORAGE - European Training Network in Innovative Polymers for next-generation electrochemical energy storageExternal link
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Ulrich S. SchubertCCIMC - Coordination chemistry inspires molecular catalysisExternal link
environMENTAL - Reducing the impact of major environmental challenges on mental healthExternal link
FunGLASS - Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glassesExternal link
Federal funding (e.g. BMBF)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Research Campus InfectoGnosticsExternal link
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Jürgen PoppLPI-BT1 — Multi-Dimensionale, multimodale, intelligente Imaging PlattformenExternal link
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Jürgen PoppLPI-BT2 — Photonische Interaktionsassays für POCT/Hochdurchsatz-Plattformen — Photonics meets POCT/HDExternal link
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Jürgen PoppLPI-BT3 — Künstliche Intelligenz für Diagnostik und TherapieExternal link
Coordinator: PD Dr Thomas BocklitzUSER 2
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Erika Kothe, Prof. Dr Thorsten SchäferFederal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
KOLLORADO-e3 - Grimsel Felslabor: In-situ Experimente zur Bentonit Langzeit-Stabilität und der Radionuklidmobilität an der Grenzfläche Bentonit - Kristallin
Coordinator: Prof. Dr Thorsten SchäferWTZ Granit
Other federal ministries and agencies
FunPolyGel - Herstellung Funktionaler Polysaccharidgele unter Anwendung selektiver SynthesemethodenExternal link
Koordination: Prof. Dr. Thomas HeinzeIntegSaat - Integration von Totholz in Verfahren der Direktsaat von Weißtanne (Abies alba) und Stiel-Eiche (Quarcus robur) zur Begründung stabiler, klimatoleranter Mischwaldökosysteme im Stadtwald Hildburghausen
Projekteitung: Dr. Alexander Tischer -
Other funding institutions
Carl Zeiss Foundation
Smart substrates: Switchable interfaces based on multiresponsive hybrid materialsExternal link
Coordinator: Prof. Dr-Ing Lothar WondraczekINTACT – Research of a smart analytical stoma pump
Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)External link
Vitrimere – a new class of smart materials for the sustainable use of polymeric materialsExternal link
Coordinatior: Prof. Dr Ulrich S. SchubertLeibniz Community
Leibniz ScienceCampus InfectoOptics – Combating infectious diseases with advanced optical methodsExternal link
Board: Prof. Dr Marc Thilo Figge (Spokesperson), Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, Prof. Dr Erika Kothe, Prof. Dr Andreas TünnermannLeibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe - Global AreaExternal link
- Cluster of Excellence Balance of the Microverse
- Collaborative Research Centre PolyTarget
- Collaborative Reseach Centre AquaDiva
- Collaborative Reseach Centre CataLight
- German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
- InfectoGnostics Research Campus
- CEEC Jena - Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena
- Thüringer Water Innovation Cluster
- Joint Lab for polymers Jena-Bayreuth