Students are sitting in the Döbereiner lecture hall.

Studying at the faculty

Information for students: Regulations, contact persons, download of forms
Students are sitting in the Döbereiner lecture hall.
Image: Christoph Worsch

Dear students,

here you will find all the important information you need for your studies at our faculty - including an overview of further, central services of the university and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen.

Overview of page content:

Information from the Office of Studies and Examination

FAQ - Frequently Asked QuestionsApplications and forms

Central counselling services for students

Event tips: Workshops, courses, lecture series

  • Cuboids with the symbols of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
    Image: Adobe Stock
    Certificate Programme Sustainabilityde The new sustainability certificate programme is aimed at students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines.
  • Wooden cubes with the letters "DATA
    Image: Wokandapix from Pixabay
    Certificate programme on Data Literacy The certificate programme "Data Literacy Jena" gives students from all disciplines the opportunity to acquire competencies regarding the handling of data, from basics to discipline-specific methods.
  • Student in front of a notice board with job offers
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    Career Planning Certificate Programme Preparation for job entry for students
  • Three geography students are talking to each other.
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
    Workshops for studentsde From application training to exam preparation to time management: Here you will find many courses on study-related topics.
  • Graduate hat with books and ladder
    Illustration: visoot/
    Stay on track with success monitoring!de Tool for students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences to get a better overview of their current study status and tailored counselling and support services
Orientation guide in the course of studies
Interactive graphic on counseling and service facilities: Who helps with which topics?
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Orientation guide in the course of studies
Image: Universität Jena

Staff and contact 

Office for Student Affairs and Examinations

Office hours:
by prior appointment!