- Beginn
- Ende
- Veranstaltungsarten
- Kolloquium
- Videochat
- Datenschutzhinweisepdf, 126 kb
- Im Rahmen
- des BioGeo-Colloquiums, einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung des Instituts für Geowissenschaften, des Instituts für Mikrobiologie und des Instituts für Biodiversität
- Referent/in
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Schramm; Center for Electromicrobiology, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Veranstalter
Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Geowissenschaften
- Ansprechpartner/in
Dr. Dirk Merten
- Veranstaltungssprache
- Englisch
- Barrierefreier Zugang
- nein
- Öffentlich
- ja
Effects of cable bacteria on the biogeochemistry and microbial communities of sediments and aquifers
In the current semester, we will again present the talks in the BioGeoColloquium, at the usual time of 5:15 p.m. on Tuesdays.
We are very happy that speakers accepted to present their research either in presence or via videochats (online), or even combined (hybrid). We will provide information about the format (presence, hybrid, online) and how to access the video chats with the announcements of the respective talk. To receive the announcements please correspond to Dirk.Merten@uni-jena.de
In case of PRESENCE the talks will take place at Lecture hall, Wöllnitzer Str. 7, 07749 Jena.
Please note: If you would like to attend the talks physically, the following rules have to be followed:
Only people who are fully vaccinated (14 days after last vaccination dose) or have recovered from COVID-19 (documented by a positive PCR test, at least 28 days and a maximum of 6 months old) or have been tested (certificate of negative antigen test, max. 24 h old, or negative PCR test, max. 48 h old) are permitted to attend.
In the winter semester, the general 1.5-metre social distancing rule is no longer a requirement for face-to-face teaching. Wherever possible, this minimum distance must nevertheless be kept. Medical or FFP2/KN95-/N95-/KF94-/KF95 masks must still be worn in all university buildings if the distance of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained. Contact tracking with QRonitonExterner Link (in the top right you can switch to English) is also mandatory. You must also continue to comply with the university’s infection prevention planExterner Link (German only).
The complete schedule of the talks may be found here https://www.igw.uni-jena.de/biogeoVeranstaltungenExterner Link
Aarhus University
Department of Biology - Center for Electromicrobiology
Ny Munkegade 116
building 1540, 121
8000 Aarhus C