Hans-Dieter Arndt

  1. Arndt, Hans-Dieter, Prof. Dr. Lehrstuhl Organische Chemie I
    Google Maps – LageplanExterner Link HD.Arndt@uni-jena.de
    Foto: Anne Günther (Universität Jena)

Hans-Dieter Arndt (born 1971) studied Chemistry at the Universities of UlmExterner Link and MarburgExterner Link (D), and at Imperial College LondonExterner Link (UK). After completing his diploma thesis at the LMU MünchenExterner Link (1997), he earned a Ph.D. in bioorganic chemistry at the Humboldt-University, BerlinExterner Link, for research on synthetic ion channels with Prof. Ulrich KoertExterner Link. In 2002 he moved to the California Institute of TechnologyExterner Link (Pasadena, USA) as a postdoctoral fellow to work on DNA-protein dimerizers with Prof. Peter B. DervanExterner Link. In 2004 he joined the Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology as an independent investigator in the department of Chemical BiologyExterner Link (Prof. Herbert Waldmann) and the Chemistry faculty of Technische Universität DortmundExterner Link as lecturer. Hans-Dieter Arndt moved to the Friedrich-Schiller University at Jena as a full professor of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry in 2011. His work was recognized by an Emmy-Noether AwardExterner Link (DFG 2004), the Thieme Journal AwardExterner Link (2007), the Natural Products Young Investigator AwardExterner Link (DECHEMA 2010) and the Orchem prizeExterner Link (GDCh 2010). Prof. Arndt was on the advisory board of the joint Chemical Biology sectionsExterner Link of the GDChExterner Link, DPhGExterner Link, GBMExterner Link, and DECHEMAExterner Link (2012-2018). He currently serves on the board of the ADUCExterner Link (German Chemistry Professors Association) and as dean of Faculty (2020-2023).



Author profileExterner Link: H.-D. Arndt, Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, 6118; Angew. Chem Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 5994.


A hardcopy of Prof. Arndt's cv can be downloaded here.