Dr. Luis Peña
- Peña, Luis (2017) Urban security in motion: State, collective actions, and daily practices in the face of insecurity. Bogota CIDS Externado University of Colombia.
- Peña, Luis, (with other authors) in 2013. Territories of life, participation and dignity for children and young people. Research on the activation and reinforcement of networks for the joy of human rights. Research Institute for education and pedagogical development. IDEP, mayor of Bogotá.
- Peña, Luis, Some methodological elements to think spatially in social sciences. University Extarnado of Colombia. Research Center on Social Dynamics. CIDS. 2011.
- Peña, Luis, Essays on urban security and residential security. University Externado of Colombia. Research Center on Social Dynamics. CIDS. 2011.
Books chapters
- Peña, Luis (2022) “Theories of reconciliation. Basic coordinates for navigating debates on building better relationships in societies in transition”, in Reconciliation, Heritage and Social Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa by Iyad Muhsen AlDajani (Editor), Martin Leiner (Editor), Springer.
- Peña, Luis (2022) “The spatiality of the peace” in Reconciliation, Heritage and Social Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa by Iyad Muhsen AlDajani (Editor), Martin Leiner (Editor), Springer.
- Peña, Luis (2019), “if all you have a hammer everything looks like a nail. Securitartist political common sense in Colombia”. When will the tremor finish? Crisis, violence and peace in contemporary Latin America. Arias, D. Hatzky, C (editors). Center for Historical Research of Central America CIHAC. CALAS. San Jose of Costa Rica. Link
- Peña, Luis, (2019) “Youth, actions, networks and space in the production of security in Bogotá”. In Gutiérrez Cham, Gerardo; Kaltmeier, Olaf (eds.): Here young people! Facing the crisis, Guadalajara: Editorial of the University of Guadalajara. Link
- Peña, Luis, (2019) Constroversies over territorial peace. Lessons from social organizations on the relationship of the territory with the construction of peace: ASPROUL. Free University, Bogotá.
Articles in academic reviews
- Peña, Luis, 2022. Territorializing peace: how do we make peacebuilding territorial? Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Keough School of Global Affairs. Policy Brief No. 9, Notre Dame.
- Peña, Luis (2019), Territorial peace: connecting moral imagination and geographical imagination. German Colombian Center for Peace Studies. CAPAZ. Series: Documents. No. 2 Link
- Hanson, S.L., Sykes, M., & Pena, L.B. (2018). Gender Equity in Science: The Global Context. Int'l J. Soc. Sci. Stud., 6, 33. Link
- Peña, Luis, 2016 " The Secunormativity: the urban sociability seen throughout every day´s surveillance practices."URVIO-Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de Seguridad 18 (2016): 104-123. Link
- Peña, Luis, 2016. Defending the capital: the securitisation of the space of dependence of Bogota during Uribe Vélez administration. Cuadernos de Geografía, 25(2), 251. Link
Evaluations in 2022
- Evaluador del capítulo sobre Dinámicas Urbanas del Conflicto Armado en Colombia. Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición. 2022. Link
- “Intersections of Environmental Violence and Precarious Indigenous Land Rights in Latin American Extractives”. Chapter evaluation for the publication: the book Environmental Violence. Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies. Cambridge University Press.
- To excavate or to extract: rocks, memory, and environmental politics in Pablo Neruda's “Alturas de Macchu Picchu”. Chapter evaluation for the publication: the book Environmental Violence. Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies. Cambridge University Press.
Academic awards
- Fellowship at Kroc Institute of International Peace Research, Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA. January-May 2022.
- Scholarship CALAS Regional Center Cono Sur. August- December 2019
- Scholarship CAPAZ. Colombian- German Institute for Peace. December 2018 - July 2019.
- Scholarship from the Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED Diktatur, to develop the project "Memory work: what to learn from Germany" 2017
- Obtaining the scholarship of the French Institute for the Andean Studies for the doctoral research January 1rs 2013 December 31.
- Obtaining the scholarship of the Program Alban 2006-2007. Fellowship Program High-level European Union for Latin America.
- Obtaining doctoral training scholarship for University Externado de Colombia in December 2008 August 2009
- Scholarship for the international mobility of Collège Doctoral International (CDI) of the Université Européenne de Bretagne (BSU) for the period August December 2009.
- Guest professor for the winter semester University of Leipzig. 2011-2012