Prof. Dr. Christiane Schmullius

Major Research Interests
Application of operational and experimental Earth observation sensors in the optical, thermal and microwave domains (with a focus on radar) for geoscientific applications. Special expertise is on global satellite monitoring concepts for land surface analyses to support climate change topics. As former expert for e-infrastructures to the German Future Earth Committee, interests also concern big data handling from the Sentinel-satellites and in situ networks.
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2006
W3-Professorship, Chair - Department for Earth Observation, Institute of GeographyExterner Link, Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena - 2005-2008
Director of the Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena - 2000-2005
C3-Professor for Remote Sensing at the Geoinformatics Department, Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena - 1996-2000
Group Leader "Geomatics" at DLR Institute of High Frequency Technology and DLR Project Scientist for the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) - 1994-1996
DLR Science Team Lead of the Mission Operations Team for the two spaceshuttle missions "SIR-C/X-SAR" - 1991-1994
Postdoc Research Assistant, DLR - Institute of High Frequency Technology - 1991
Ph.D., Institute of Space Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany - 1988-1991
Research Assistant, Institute of Space Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany - 1986-1988
Research Assistant, Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technical University Karlsruhe, Germany - 1986
Master of Arts, Remote Sensing Laboratory, Department of Geography, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA - 1984-1986
Fulbright-Fellowship plus additional 2-year ITT International Fellowship - 1983
DAAD Travel Support, Internship at Redwood National Park, California
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geoinformation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Thüringer Geographische Gesellschaft
- Deutscher Hochschulverband
- Collegium Europaeum Jenense
- Fulbright Alumni
- UCSB Alumni
- German: native speaker
- English: read-write-speak excellent
- Russian: read good, write fair, speak good
- Italian: read good, write fair, speak fair
- French, Spanish: read good, write slight, speak slight
- Latin: Advance Proficiency "Latinum" (High School Degree)
- Since 2006
Current Projects
Strategies & Standards
- JAXA K&CExterner Link
ALOS Kyoto & Carbon Initiative - GFOIExterner Link
Global Forest Observations Initiative - NASA/ESA Intern. Coord. Spaceborne SAR
- CCI BiomassExterner Link
Climate Change Initiative - Forest DRAGON-4Externer Link
Project Wall-to-Wall Foest Mapping and Change Monitoring in China with Radar Remote Sensing ESA - IMPRS MPI-BGCExterner Link
Exploration of Ecological Interactions with Molecular and Chemical Techniques - Radar Crop Monitor
Regional Demonstrators
- BONDSExterner Link
Balancing biOdiversity conservatioN with Development in Amazon wetlandS
South Africa
- EMSAfricaExterner Link
Ecosystem Management Support for Climate Change in South Africa - SALDi
South African Land Degradation Monitor - Kruger National Park
DLR Jena Cooperation
- Institute of Data Science, Department of Citizen ScienceExterner Link
- JAXA K&CExterner Link
Concluded Projects
- 2017 - 19 Coordinator
BioFor: Forest Monitoring in Cooperation with the Forest and Cartographic Agencies of Poland (BMBF) - 2017 - 18 Coordinator
SAR EDU MOOC: Development of a Massive Open Online Course for the SAR Remote Sensing Education Initiative ESA ViewExterner Link - 2016 - 19 Coordinator
Sen4REDD: Entwicklung von integriertem multi-temporalen Prozessierungsketten basierend auf Sentinel-1 und -2 für die Unterstützung von UNFCCC REDD+ MRV Systemen DLR/BMWi ViewExterner Link - 2016 - 18 Coordinator
PhaenOpt: Phänologische App-Entwicklung zur Untersuchung des Klimawandels in Thüringen DLR/BMWI ViewExterner Link - 2015 - 18 Partner
SWOS Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service EU ViewExterner Link - 2015 - 18 Partner
BACI Towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index EU ViewExterner Link - 2015 - 17 Coordinator
GlobBiomass Provision od improved biomass maps at regional and global scale by integration od user requirements from Science, Policy and Forest Industry ESA ViewExterner Link - 2014 - 16 Partner
Ars Africae: Adaptive Resilience of Southern African Acosystems BMBF ViewExterner Link - 2013 - 16 Coordinator
EO-LDAS-App: Application of the EO-LDAS Lands Data Assimilation System Prototype and Data Base to Prepare Sentinel-2 Assimilation DLR/BMWI ViewExterner Link - 2013 - 16 Partner
Wald-Biomasse: Entwicklung von missionsübergreifenden Verfahren zur Modellierung der Kapazität von Wäldern zur Biomasseproduktion DLR/BMWi ViewExterner Link - 2013 - 14 Coordinator
TerraSensE: Terrestrische Sensorik für hochaufgelöste Analytik von Erdoberflächenprozessen TMBWK ViewExterner Link - 2012 - 17 Partner
Helmholtz-Allianz "Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics" DLR ViewExterner Link - 2012 - 17 Partner
BexIS++: Biodiversity-Exploratories Information System DFG ViewExterner Link - 2012 - 17 Coordinator
SAR-EDU: SAR Remote Sensing Education Initiative DLR/BMWi ViewExterner Link - 2012 - 16 Partner
LC-CCI: Essential Climate Variable Landcover - Contribution of ASAR Data to Urban and Water Body Mapping ESA ViewExterner Link - 2012 - 15 Partner
EuRuCas: European-Russian Centre for cooperation in the Arctic and Sub‐Arctic environmental and climate research EU ViewExterner Link - 2011 - 15 Coordinator
ZAPÁS: Assessment and Monitoring of Forest Resources in the Framework of the EU-Russian Space Dialogue EU ViewExterner Link - 2010 - 15 Partner
GIONET: GMES Initial Operations - Network for Earth Observation Research Training EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network ViewExterner Link - 2010 - 14 Partner
INFLUINS: Integrierte Fluiddynamik in Sedimentbecken. Prozesse, Potenziale, Risiken TMBWK ViewExterner Link - 2010 - 13 Partner
Graduiertenschule Bildverarbeitung: Segmentierung in der Fernerkundung, Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (TMBWK). - 2009 - 13 Coordinator
BIOMASAR-1/-2: Forest Biomass Mapping with hyper-temporal ASAR Global Monitoring data in Siberia, Sweden and Quebec/ BIOMASAR-2: … of the Northern Hemisphere ESA - 2009 - 13 Coordinator
SARvanna: SAR-Mapping of Savanna Vegetation Structure in Kruger National Park, SA BMBF/NRF/KNP/ESA - 2008 - 13 Coordinator
FRA-SAR-1/-2: TerraSAR-X support to the UN FAO Forest Resource Assessment 2010 DLR/BMWi ViewExterner Link - 2006 - 15 Coordinator
SIB-ESS-C: Siberian Earth System Science Cluster ViewExterner Link - 2012 Coordinator
Sib-Lab: The Central Siberian Global Change Laboratory ViewExterner Link - 2011 Partner
EO-LDAS: Earth Observation for Land-System Data Assimilation ESA ViewExterner Link - 2011 Partner
DUE Permafrost: Establishment of a satellite-based monitoring system ESA ViewExterner Link - 2011 Partner
ENVILAND-1/-2: Investigation of Envisat ASAR and MERIS data, BMBF View ENVILAND-1Externer Link View ENVILAND-2Externer Link - 2010 Coordinator
RadarCover-1/-2: GMES Sentinel-1 Analysis of Multi-Temporal Land Cover Observation at C-Band ESA - 2010 Coordinator
ESA GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office (Global Observations of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics) ViewExterner Link - 2010 Coordinator
FRA-SAR: Global Forest Resource Assessment with Synthetic Aperture Radar ViewExterner Link - 2008 Coordinator
IRIS: Irkutsk Regional Information System for Enviromental Protection EU INCO ViewExterner Link - 2008 Coordinator
SibFORD: Earth Observation for Assessment of Forest Disturbances induced Carbon Emissions in Central Siberia EU ViewExterner Link - 2008 Partner
GSE Forest Monitoring, ESA GMES Service Element Project for Russia ESA ViewExterner Link
GSE Forest Monitoring in Russia Stage II ViewExterner Link - 2006 Partner
AGRISAR Campaigns 2006 ESA ViewExterner Link - 2006 Partner
AQUIFER Wetland Monitoring in Northern Africa ESA ViewExterner Link - 2005 Coordinator
SIBERIA-II Multi-Sensor Concepts for Greenhouse Accounting of Northern Eurasia (EU) ViewExterner Link - 2005 Partner
FEMINE (Forest Environmental Monitoring in Northern Eurasia), ESA-IAF (International Astronautical Federation) project for cooperation with Russia and Ukraine ViewExterner Link - 2004 - 16 Coordinator
Forest DRAGON-1/-2/-3: Project Wall-to-Wall Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring in China with Radar Remote Sensing ESA ViewExterner Link - 2004 Partner
TerraSAR-L, Satellite Feasibility Study for future ESA Missions DLR ViewExterner Link - 2004 Coordinator
Innovative Remote Sensing Techniques for Forest Mapping in Mongolia UN FAO ViewExterner Link - 2004 Coordinator
GMES-RUSSIA: Establishing a Thematic Network in Russia for Priority Themes A, B, C and E for GMES Strand 2 Assessment Activities EU GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security ViewExterner Link - 2003 Coordinator
TerraDew: Investigations about the Temporal Effects of Dew on Multifrequency and Multipolarimetric DLR E-SAR Radar Backscatter Signals, BMBF ViewExterner Link - 2003 Coordinator
Carbon-3D: Global biomass mapping, combination Lidar with BRDF imager systems in cooperation with JenaOptronik GmbH ViewExterner Link - 2002 Coordinator
INTAS Establishment of an Ecological Monitoring System for Lake Baikal EU ViewExterner Link - 2001 Partner
European Radar-Optical Research Assemblage (ERA-ORA) EU - 2001 Partner
Feasibility Study for a P-Band Satellite ESA - 2000 Coordinator
SAR Imaging for Boreal Ecology and Radar Interferometry Applications - SIBERIA, EU Environment and Climate, Center for Earth Observation Program ViewExterner Link - 2000 Coordinator
ERS-data for SIBERIA-Project (560 Frames) ESA 3rd ERS AO ViewExterner Link - 2000 Partner
Airborne Radar Campaigns "Morphodynamik der Elbe" BMBF - 1999 Coordinator
Methane-Emission in Siberian Wetlands DAAD ARC - 1998 Contractor
Airborne Radar Campaigns for Rhine Flood Bundesanstalt Gewässerkunde - 1996 Partner
DARA Next Generation SAR Instrument Study - 1996 Partner
Optik-SAR Synergy Study, ESA ESTEC - 1995 Co-Investigator
ERS Windscatterometer Study for Land Applications, ESA ESTEC - 1995 Partner
MAC Europe Airborne Radar Campaigns ESA ESTEC - 1993 Partner
CLEOPATRA Cloud Cover Experiment Oberpfaffenhofen DLR - 1991 Coordinator
Airborne Radar Campaign LOTREX HIBE (Landoberflächenexperiment) BMBF - 1988 Coordinator
Regional Landsat Thematic Mapper Land Use Classification Umweltministerium Baden Württemberg
- 2017 - 19 Coordinator
DUBOIS, C., MUELLER, M. M., PATHE, C., JAGDHUBER, T., CREMER, F., THIEL, C., & SCHMULLIUS, C. (2020). Characterization of land cover seasonality in Sneintle-1 time series data. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 5(3). ViewExterner Link
JÄNICHEN, J., DUBOIS, C., WOLSZA, M., SALEPCI, N., & C. SCHMULLIUS (2020): Investigation of the ground motion near the leaning tower of Bad Frankenhausen using Sentinel-1 persistent scatterer interferometry, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2020, 305–312, Link. ViewExterner Link
DUBOIS, C., JÄNICHEN, J., WOLSZA, M., SALEPCI, N. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2020): 20 Years SAR Interferometry for Monitoring Ground Deformation over the former Potash-Mine “Glückauf” in Thuringia, In: Tagungsband Geomonitoring 2020, S. 29-45. doi: Link. ViewExterner Link
CREMER, F., URBAZAEV, M., CORTES, J., TRUCKENBRODT, J., SCHMULLIUS, C. & C. THIEL (2020): Potential of Reccurrence Metrics from Sentinel-1 Time Series for Deforestation Mapping. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. ViewExterner Link.
URBAN, M., HECKEL, K., BERGER, C., SCHRATZ, P., SMIT, I.P.J., STRYDOM, T., BAADE, J. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2020): Woody cover mapping in the savanna ecosystem of the Kruger National Park using Sentinel-1 C-Band time series data, Koedoe 62(1), a1621. doi:10.4102/koedoe.v62i1.1621Externer Link.
URBAN, M., HECKEL, K., BERGER, C., SCHRATZ, P., SMIT, I. P.J., STRYDOM, T., BAADE, J. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2020): Woody Cover Mapping in the Kruger National Park using Sentinel-1 time series and LiDAR data (Version v1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3728186Externer Link.
HECKEL K., URBAN M., SCHRATZ P., MAHECHA M. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2020): Predicting Forest Cover in Distinct Ecosystems: The Potential of Multi-Source Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion, Advances in Remote Sensing for Global Forest Monitoring 12(2). ViewExterner Link
SINGH J., LEVICK S., GUDERLE M. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2020): Moving from plot-based to hillslope-scale assessments of savanna vegetation structure with long-range terrestrial laser scanning (LR-TLS). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 90, August 2020. ViewExterner Link
BERGER C., BIERI M., BRADSHAW K., BRUMMER C., CLEMEN T., HICKLER T., KUTSCH W., LENFERS U., MARTENS C., MIDGLEY G., MUKWASHI K., ODIPO V., SCHEITER S., SCHMULLIUS C., BAADE J.,DU TOIT J., SCHOLES R., SMIT I., STEVENS N. & W. TWINE (2019): Linking scales and disciplines: an interdisciplinary cross-scale approach to supporting climate-relevant ecosystem management. - Climatic Change, 156(1-2), 139-150. ViewExterner Link
BERGER, C., S. WERNER, C. WIGLEY-COETSEE, I. SMIT, C. SCHMULLIUS & IEEE (2019): Multi-temporal Sentinel-1 Data for wall-to-wall herbaceous biomass mapping in Kruger National Park, South Africa – First Results, 2019 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York, pp. 7358-7360. ViewExterner Link
RODRIGUEZ-VEIGA, P., S. QUEGAN, J. CARREIRAS, H. PERSSON, J.E.S. FRANSSON, A. HOSCILO, D. ZIOLKOWSKI, K. STERENCZAK, S. LOHBERGER, M. STANGEL, A. BERNINGER, F. SIEGERT, V. AVITABILE, M. HEROLD, S. MERMOZ, A. BOUVET, T.L. TOAN, N. CARVALHAIS, M. SANTORO, O. CARTUS, Y. RAUSTE, R. MATHIEU, G.P. ASNER, C. THIEL, C. PATHE, C. SCHMULLIUS, F.M. SEIFERT, K. TANSEY & H. BALTZER (2019): Forest biomass retrieval approaches from earth observation in different biomes. - International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 77, 53-68. ViewExterner Link
WALTHER, C., C. HÜTTICH, M. URBAN & C. SCHMULLIUS (2019): Modelling the Arctic taiga-tundra ecotone using ALOS PALSAR and optical earth observation data. - International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18, 195 - 206. ViewExterner Link
BERGER, C., M. VOLTERSEN, C. SCHMULLIUS, S. HESE & IEEE (2018): Robust mapping of urban structure types across three german cities, Igarss 2018 - 2018 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York, pp. 2968-2971. ViewExterner Link
CHERNETSKIY, M., N. GOBRON, J. GOMEZ-DANS, O. MORGAN, M. DISNEY, P. LEWIS & C. SCHMULLIUS (2018): Simulating arbitrary hyperspectral bandsets from multispectral observations via a generic Earth Observation-Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS). - Advances in Space Research, 62(7), 1654-1674. ViewExterner Link
CREMER, F., URBAZAEV, M., BERGER, C., MAHECHA, M., SCHMULLIUS, C. & C. THIEL (2018): An Image Transform Based on Temporal Decomposition. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, PP(99):1-5. ViewExterner Link
HOSCILO, A., A. LEWADOWSKA, D. ZIOLKOWSKI, K. STERENCZAK, M. LISANCZUK, C. SCHMULLIUS, C. PATHE & IEEE (2018): Forest aboveground biomass estimation using a combination of sentinel-1 and sentinel-2 data, Igarss 2018 - 2018 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York, pp. 9026-9029. ViewExterner Link
SINGH, J., S.R. LEVICK, M. GUDERLE, C. SCHMULLIUS & S.E. TRUMBORE (2018): Variability in fire-induced change to vegetation physiognomy and biomass in semi-arid savanna. - Ecosphere, 9(12), 16. ViewExterner Link
STELMASZCZUK-GÓRSKA, M. A., URBAZAEV, M., SCHMULLIUS, C. & C. THIEL (2018). Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass over Boreal Forests on Siberia Using Updated In Situ, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2, and RADARSAT-2 Data. Remote Sensing, 10(10), 1550. View
TRUCKENBRODT, S. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2018): Seasonal evolution of soil and plant parameters on the agricultural Gebesee test site: a database for the set-up and validation of EO-LDAS and satellite-aided retrieval models. - Earth Systems Science Data, 10, 525-548. ViewExterner Link
URBAN, M., C. BERGER, T. MUDAU, K. HECKEL, J. TRUCKENBRODT, V. ODIPO, I. SMIT & C. SCHMULLIUS (2018): Surface Moisture and Vegetation Cover Analysis for Drought Monitoring in the Southern Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8. Remote Sensing 10(9). View
URBAZAEV, M., CREMER, F., MIGLIAVACCA, M., REICHSTEIN, M., SCHMULLIUS, C. & C. THIEL (2018). Potential of Mulit-Temporal ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Data for Vegetation Height Estimation in Tropical Forests of Mexico. Remote Sensing, 10(8), 1277. ViewExterner Link
URBAZAEV, M., THIEL, C., CREMER, F., DUBAYA, R., MIGLIAVACCA, M., REICHSTEIN, M. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2018). Estimation of forest aboveground biomass and uncertainties by integration of field measurements, airborne LiDAR, and SAR and optical satellite data in Mexico. Carbon Balance and Management, 13(1):5. ViewExterner Link
URBAZAEV, M., THIEL, C., CREMER F., SCHMULLIUS C. & IEEE (2018): Assessment of the mapping of aboveground biomass and its uncertainties using field measurements, airborne LIDAR and satellite data in Mexico, Igarss 2018 - 2018 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York, pp. 8793-8796. ViewExterner Link
BERGER C., ROSENTRETER J., VOLTERSEN M., BAUMGART C., HESE S. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2017): Spatio-temporal analysis of the relationship between 2D/3D urban site characteristics and land surface temperature. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 193, 225-243. ViewExterner Link
CHERNETSKIY, M., GÓMEZ-DANS, J., GOBRON, N., MORGAN, O., LEWIS, P., TRUCKENBRODT, S. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2017): Estimation of FAPAR over croplands using MISR data and the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS). - Remote Sensing, 9(7), 30. ViewExterner Link
THIEL C., J. BAADE & C. SCHMULLIUS (2017): Comparison of UAV photograph-based and airborne lidarbased point clouds over forest from a forestry application perspective (vol 38, pg 2411, 2017). - International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(16), 4765-4765.
THIEL, C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2017): Comparison of UAV photograph-based and airborne lidar-based point clouds over forest from a forestry application perspective. - International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(8-10), 2411-2426.ViewExterner Link
BAADE J. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): TanDEM-X IDEM precision and accuracy assessment based on a large assembly of differential GNSS measurements in Kruger National Park, South Africa. - ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119, 496-508. ViewExterner Link
EBERLE, J., T. TAYLOR, C. SCHMULLIUS & IEEE (2016): Easy to use time-series data access and analysis tools using standardbased geoprocessing services, 2016 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York, pp. 3614-3617. ViewExterner Link
EBERLE J., URBAN M., HOMOLKA A., HÜTTICH C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): Multi-Source Data Integration and Analysis for Land Monitoring in Siberia. - Springer Water "Novel Methods for Monitoring and Managing Land and Water Resources in Siberia", (ed.: Mueller, L., Sheudshen, A., Eulenstein, F.). - Springer International Publishing, Part III, 471-487. ViewExterner Link
ODIPO V. O., NICKLESS A., BERGER C., BAADE J., URBAZAEV M., WALTER C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): Assessment of Aboveground Woody Biomass Dynamics Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner and L-Band ALOS PALSAR Data in South African Savanna. - Forests, 7(12), 294. doi:10.3390/f7120294. ViewExterner Link
SCHLUND, M., F. VON PONCET, S. KUNTZ, H. BOEHM, D. HOEKMAN & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): TanDEM-X elevation model data for canopy height and aboveground biomass retrieval in a tropical peat swamp forest. - International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(21), 5021-5044. ViewExterner Link
STELMASZCZUK-GORSKA M., RODRIGUEZ-VEIGA, P., ACKERMANN N., THIEL C., BALZTER H. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): Non-Parametric Retrieval of Aboveground Biomass in Siberian Boreal Forests with ALOS PALSAR Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter - Journal of Imaging, 2(1), 1. ViewExterner Link
THIEL C., BAADE J. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): Comparison of UAV Photograph based and Airborne LiDAR based Point Clouds over Forest from a Forestry Application Perspective. - International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/ 01431161.2016.1225181. ViewExterner Link
THIEL C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): The potential of ALOS PALSAR backscatter and InSAR coherence for forest growing stock volume estimation in Central Siberia images. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 173, 258-273. ViewExterner Link
THURNER M., BEER C., CARVALHAIS, N., FORKEL M., SANTORO M., TUM M. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): Large-scale variation in boreal and temperate forest carbon turn-over rate related to climate. - Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/ 2016GL068794. ViewExterner Link
URBAN M., VOLTERSEN M., POECKING S., HESE S., HEROLD M. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): Multi-Scale Vegetation and Water Body Mapping of the Northern Latitudes in Siberia with Optical Remote Sensing. - Springer Water "Novel Methods for Monitoring and Managing Land and Water Resources in Siberia", (ed.: Mueller, L., Sheudshen, A., Eulenstein, F.). - Springer International Publishing, Part III, 451-470. ViewExterner Link
URBAZAEV M., THIEL C., MIGLIAVACCA M., REICHSTEIN M., RODRIGUEZ-VEIGA P. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2016): Improved Multi-Sensor Satellite-Based Aboveground Biomass Estimation by Selecting Temporally Stable Forest Inventory Plots Using NDVI Time Series. - Forests, 7, 1-16. ViewExterner Link
BAADE J. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2015): Catchment properties in the Kruger National Park derived from the new TanDEM-X Intermediate Digital Elevation Model (IDEM) The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-7/W3, doi:10.5194, 293-300. ViewExterner Link
BALZTER H., COLE B., THIEL C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2015): Mapping CORINE Land Cover from Sentinel-1A SAR and SRTM Digital Elevation Model Data using Random Forests. - Remote Sensing, 7(11), 14876-14898. ViewExterner Link
BERGER C., RIEDEL F., ROSENTRETER J., STEIN E., HESE S. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2015a): Fusion of airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR remote sensing data to study the thermal characteristics of urban environments. Computational approaches for urban environments. Geotechnologies and the environment 13, Heidelberg, Germany. - Springer, 273-292. ViewExterner Link
BOERNER W.M., G. KRIEGER, A. REIGBER, I. HAJNSEK, C. SCHMULLIUS, A. MOREIRA, M. EINEDER, R. BAMLER, F. MEYER, S. HENSLEY, J. CANZYL, M. NEUMANN, M. SHIMADA, M. OHKI, J. SUMANTYO, K. HATTORI, F. OCAMPO-TORRES, O. PONCE, J. MOREIRA, J. CAMPOS, Y. LU, P. DUBOIS-FERNANDEZ, E. POTTIER, T. LETOAN, C. SURUSSAVADEE, V. KOO, T. LIM, R. TRIHARJANTO, W. HASBI, S. MOHAN, G. SINGH & IEEE (2015): Development of new multi-band equatorially orbiting POLinSAR satellite sensors system configurations for varying latitudinal coverage within total tropical belt. 2015 Ieee 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar. Ieee, New York. ViewExterner Link
SANTORO M., BEAUDOIN A., BEER C., CARTUS O., FRANSSON J., HALL R., PATHE C., SCHMULLIUS C., SCHEPASHENKO D., SHIDENKO A., THURNER M. & U. WEGMÜLLER (2015): Forest growing stock volume of the northern hemisphere: Spatially explicit estimates for 2010 derived from Envisat ASAR. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 168, 316-334. ViewExterner Link
SCHLUND, M., F. VON PONCET, S. KUNTZ, C. SCHMULLIUS & D. HOEKMAN (2015): TanDEM-X data for aboveground biomass retrieval in a tropical peat swamp forest. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 158, 255-266. ViewExterner Link
SCHMULLIUS C., THIEL C.J., PATHE C. & M. SANTORO (2015): Radar Time Series for Land Cover and Forest Mapping. In: Kuenzer C., Dech S., Wagner W. (ed.) Springer Book Series "Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing", Volume 22: Remote Sensing Time Series, Revealing Land Surface Dynamics. - Springer International Publishing, 323-356. ViewExterner Link
URBAZAEV M., THIEL C.J., MATHIEU R., NAIDOO L., LEVICK S., SMIT J.P, ASNER G.P. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2015): Assessment of the mapping of fractional woody cover in southern African savannas using multi-temporal and polarimetric ALOS PALSAR L-band - Remote Sensing of Environment, 166, 138-153. ViewExterner Link
VOLTERSEN, M., C. BERGER, S. HESE, C. SCHMULLIUS & IEEE (2015): Expanding an Urban Structure Type Mapping Approach from a Subarea to the Entire City of Berlin. 2015 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event. Ieee, New York. ViewExterner Link
BAADE, J., C. SCHMULLIUS & IEEE (2014): Uncertainties of a TANDEM-X derived digital surface model a case study from the roda catchment, Germany, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York. ViewExterner Link
CHOWDHURY T.A., THIEL C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2014): Growing stock volume estimation from L-band ALOS PALSAR polarimetric coherence in Siberian forest. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 155, 129-144. ViewExterner Link
HÜTTICH C., M. KORETS, S. BARTALEV, V. ZHARKO, D. SHEPASCHENKO, A. SHVIDENKO & C. SCHMULLIUS (2014): Supporting a Forest Observation System for Siberia: Earth Observation for Monitoring, Assessing and Providing Forest Resource - Earthzine. ViewExterner Link
SANTORO, M., U. WEGMULLER, J.E.S. FANSSON, C. SCHMULLIUS & IEEE (2014): Regional mapping of forest growing stock volume with multitemporal ALOS PALSAR backscatter, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York, pp. 2313-2316. ViewExterner Link
SCHLUND M., PONCET F., HOEKMAN D., KUNTZ S., SCHMULLIUS C. (2014): Importance of bistatic SAR features from TanDEM-X for forest mapping and monitoring. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 151, 16-26. ViewExterner Link
THIEL C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2014): Impact of Tree Species on Magnitude of PALSAR Interferometric Coherence over Siberian Forest at Frozen and Unfrozen Conditions. - Remote Sensing, 6, 1124-1136. ViewExterner Link
THURNER M., BEER C., SANTORO M., CARVALHAIS N., WUTZLER T., SCHEPASCHENKO D., SHVIDENKO A., KOMPTER E., AHRENS B., LEVICK S., SCHMULLIUS C. (2013): Carbon stock and density of northern boreal and temperate forests. - Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 297-310. ViewExterner Link
URBAN M., FORKEL M., EBERLE J., HÜTTICH C., SCHMULLIUS C. and HEROLD M. (2014): Pan-Arctic Climate and Land Cover Trends Derived from Multi-Variate and Multi-Scale Analyses (1981-2012). - Remote Sensing, 6(3), 2296-2316. ViewExterner Link
VOLTERSEN M., BERGER C., HESE S., SCHMULLIUS C. (2014): Object-based land cover mapping and comprehensive feature calculation for an automated derivation of urban structure types at block level. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 154, 192-201. ViewExterner Link
WALDE I., HESE S., BERGER C. and SCHMULLIUS C. (2014): From land covergraphs to urban structure types. - International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(3), 584-609. ViewExterner Link
WILHELM S., HÜTTICH C., KORETS M. and SCHMULLIUS C. (2014): Large Area Mapping of Boreal Growing Stock Volume on an Annual and Multi-Temporal Level Using PALSAR L-Band Backscatter Mosaics. - Forests, 5(8), 1999-2015. ViewExterner Link
BERGER C., VOLTERSEN M., HESE S., WALDE I., SCHMULLIUS C. (2013): Robust Extraction of Urban Land Cover Information from HSR Multi-Spectral and LiDAR Data. - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6(6), 1-16. ViewExterner Link
BERGER C., VOLTERSEN M., ECKARDT R., EBERLE J., HEYER T., SALEPCI N., HESE S., SCHMULLIUS C., TAO J., AUER S., BAMLER R., EWALD K., GARTLEY M., JACOBSON J., BUSWELL A., DU Q., PACIFICI F. (2013b). Multi-modal and multi-temporal data fusion: Outcome of the 2012 GRSS Data Fusion Contest. - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6(3), 1324-1340. ViewExterner Link
CHOWDHURY T., THIEL C., SCHMULLIUS C., STELMASCZCZUK-GÓRSKA M. (2013): Polarimetric Parameters for Growing Stock Volume Estimation Using ALOS PALSAR L-Band Data over Siberian Forests. - Remote Sensing, 5(11), 5725-5756. ViewExterner Link
EBERLE J., CLAUSNITZER S., HÜTTICH C. and SCHMULLIUS C. (2013): Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia.- ISPRS International Journal for Geo-Information, 2, 553-576. ViewExterner Link
ECKARDT, R., BERGER, C.,THIEL, C. and C. SCHMULLIUS (2013): Removal of Optically Thick Clouds from Multi-Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi-Frequency SAR Data. - Remote Sensing, 5(6), 2973-3006. ViewExterner Link
FROHLICH, B., E. BACH, I. WALDE, S. HESE, C. SCHMULLIUS & J. DENZLER (2013): Land cover classification of satellite images using contextual information. In: G. Sohn, F. Rottensteiner & J.D. Wegner (Eds.), Vcm 2013 - the Isprs Workshop on 3d Virtual City Modeling. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, Gottingen, pp. 1-6. ViewExterner Link
KUEHL, A., N. SALEPCI, C. THIEL, C. SCHMULLIUS & IEEE (2013): A flexible scoring system to simplify reference scene selection for permanent scatterer interferometry using supplementary data, 2013 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Ieee, New York, pp. 2087-2090. ViewExterner Link
McCALLUM I., FRANKLIN O., MOLTCHONOVA E., MERBOLD L., SCHMULLIUS C., SHVIDENKO, SCHEPASCHENKO D., FRITZ S. (2013): Improved light and temperature responses for light use efficiency based GPP models. - Biogeosciences, 10, 8919-8947. ViewExterner Link
SANTORO M., CARTUS O., FRANSSON J., SHVIDENKO A., McCALLUM I., HALL R., BEAUDOIN A., BEER C., SCHMULLIUS C. (2013): Estimates of Forest Growing Stock Volume for Sweden, Central Siberia, and Québec Using Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter Data. - Remote Sensing, 5, 4503-4532. ViewExterner Link
THIEL C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2013): Investigating the impact of freezing on the ALOS PALSAR InSAR phase over Siberian forests. - Remote Sensing Letters, 4(9), 900-909. ViewExterner Link
THIEL C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2013): Investigating ALOS PALSAR Interferometric Coherence in Central Siberia at Unfrozen and Frozen Conditions. - Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(3), 232-250. ViewExterner Link
URBAN M., EBERLE J., HÜTTICH C., SCHMULLIUS C., HEROLD M. (2013): Comparison of satellite derived Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature from meteorological station on pan-arctic scale. - Remote Sensing, 5, 2348-2367. ViewExterner Link
URBAN M., FORKEL M., SCHMULLIUS C., HESE S., HÜTTICH C., HEROLD M. (2013): Identification of Land Surface Temperature and Albedo Trends in AVHRR Pathfinder data from 1982 to 2005 for northern Siberia. - International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(12), 4491-4507. ViewExterner Link
WALDE I., HESE S., BERGER C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2013): Graph based Mapping of Urban Structure Types from High Resolution Satellite Image Objects - A case study of the German cities Rostock and Erfurt. - IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10(4), 932-936, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2013.2252323. ViewExterner Link
AVITABILE V., BACCINI A., FRIEDL M.A. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2012): Capabilities and limitations of Landsat and land cover data for aboveground woody biomass estimation of - Remote Sensing of Environment, 117, 366-380. ViewExterner Link
FORKEL M., THONICKE K., BEER C., CRAMER W., BARTALEV S. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2012): Extreme fire events are related to previous-year surface moisture conditions in permafrost-underlain larch forests of Siberia. - Environmental Research Letters, 7, 044021. ViewExterner Link
HILBERT C. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2012): Influence of surface topography on ICESat/GLAS forest height estimation and waveform shape. - Remote Sensing, (4)8, 2210-2235. ViewExterner Link
CARTUS O., SANTORO M., SCHMULLIUS C. & Z. LI (2011): Large area forest stem volume mapping in the boreal zone using synergy of ERS-1/2 tandem coherence and MODIS vegetation continuous field. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 931-943. ViewExterner Link
GOERNER, A., M. REICHSTEIN, E. TOMELLERI, N. HANAN, S. RAMBAL, D. PAPALE, D. DRAGONI & C. SCHMULLIUS (2011): Remote sensing of ecosystem light use efficiency with MODIS-based PRI. - Biogeosciences, 8(1), 189-202. ViewExterner Link
HÜTTICH C., HEROLD , WEGMANN M., CORDA., STROHBACH B., SCHMULLIUS C. & S. DECH (2011): Assessing effects of temporal compositing and varying observation periods for large-area land cover mapping in semi-arid ecosystems: Implications for Global Monitoring. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(10), 2445-2459. ViewExterner Link
KE, C.Q., D. ZHANG, F.Q. WANG, S.X. CHEN, C. SCHMULLIUS, W.M. BOERNER & H. WANG (2011): Analyzing coastal wetland change in the Yancheng National Nature Reserve, China. - Regional Environmental Change, 11(1), 161-173. ViewExterner Link
QUEGAN, S., C. BEER, A. SHVIDENKO, I. MCCALLUM, I.C. HANDOH, P. PEYLIN, C. RODENBECK, W. LUCHT, S. NILSSON & C. SCHMULLIUS (2011): Estimating the carbon balance of central Siberia using a landscape-ecosystem approach, atmospheric inversion and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. - Global Change Biology, 17(1), 351-365. ViewExterner Link
SANTORO M., BEER, C., CARTUS O., SCHMULLIUS C., SHVIDENKO A., McCALLUM I., WEGMÜLLER U. & A. WIESMANN (2011): Retrieval of growing stock volume in boreal forest using hyper-temporal series of Envisat ASAR ScanSAR backscatter measurements. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(2), 490-507. ViewExterner Link
BAADE J. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2010): Interferometric micro-relief sensing with TerraSAR-X - First results. - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48(2), 965-970. ViewExterner Link
GOERNER A., REICHSTEIN M., TOMELLERI M., HANAN N., RAMBAL S., PAPALE D., DRAGONI D. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2010): Remote sensing of ecosystem light use efficiency with MODIS-based PRI - the DOs and DON’Ts. - Biogeosciences Discussions, 7, 6935-6969. ViewExterner Link
McCALLUM I., WAGNER W., SCHMULLIUS C., SHVIDENKO A., OBERSTEINER S., FRITZ & S. NILSSON (2010): Comparison of four global FAPAR datasets over Northern Eurasia for the year 2000. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 114 (5), 941-949. ViewExterner Link
NATIVI S., SCHMULLIUS C., BIGAGLI L. & R. GERLACH (2010): Interoperability, data discovery and access: the e-Infrastructures for Earth Sciences resources. In: Balzter H. et al. (ed.): Environmental Change in Siberia: Earth Observation, Field Studies and Modelling. Advances in Global Change Research 40. Dordrecht: Springer, 213-231. ViewExterner Link
QUEGAN S., BEER C., SHVIDENKO A., McCALLUM I., HANDOH I., PEYLIN P., RÖDENBECK , LUCHT W., NILSSON S. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2010): Estimating the carbon balance of central Siberia using a landscape-ecosystem approach, atmospheric inversion and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. - Global Change Biology, 17(1), 351-365. ViewExterner Link
URBAN M., HESE S., HEROLD M., PÖCKING S. & C. SCHMULLIUS (2010): Pan-Arctic Land Cover Mapping and Fire Assessment for the ESA Data User Element Permafrost. - PFG Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation, 4, 283-293. ViewExterner Link
Reviewer for the following scientific journals:
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Remote Sensing of Environment
- Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Geophysical Research Letters
- Remote Sensing
- International Journal of Remote Sensing
Supervised Habilitations and Dissertations
(Ca. 50 Master and 80 Bachelor Theses have been supervised, which are not listed.)
- Habilitations
Dr. rer. nat. Christian Thiel (Geography, University Jena)
Radarfernerkundung über Wald (View)Externer Link2011
Dr. rer. nat. Soeren Hese (Geography, University Jena)
Räumlich hochauflösende Erdbeobachtungsdaten im Landoberflächenmonitoring -Entwicklung objektbasierter Konzepte und Methoden (View)Externer Link2010
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Herold (Geography, University Jena)
Building saliency, legitimacy, and credibility towards operational global and regional land cover observations and assessments (View)Externer Link2009
Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Braun (Geography, University Bonn)
Spaceborne SAR Remote Sensing for Environmental Applications2001
Dr. rer. nat. Volker Hochschild (Geography, University Jena)
Die Integration hochauflösender Fernerkundungsdaten für die physiographische Parameterisierung von Wasser- und Stofftransportmodellen - Fallbeispiele aus Thüringen und dem südlichen Afrika- Dissertations
Jenia Singh (M.Tech., Co-supervision with MPI f. Biogeochemie, Jena)
Advancing savanna structural characterization at multiple scales for enhanced ecological insights2019
Victor Odipo (MSc)
Spatio-temporal and structural analysis of vegetation dynamics of Lowveld Savanna in South AfricaMikhail Urbazaev (MSc Geoinformatik)
Estimation of forest structure parameters in Mexico by integration of remote sensing and forest inventory data (View)Externer LinkJonas Eberle (MSc Geoinformatik)
Web service-based exploration of earth observation time-series data for analyzing environmental changes (View)Externer LinkMarcus Bindel (MSc Geoinformatik)
Entwicklung einer übertragbaren, synergistischen Methode zur Kartierung von Biotoptypen anhand von hochauflösenden optischen und Radar-basierten Daten (View)Externer Link2018
Maxim Chernetskiy (M.Eng. Informatics)
Retrieving spectral and biophysical parameters of land vegetation by the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System2017
Christian Berger (MSc Geoinformatik)
Fusion of High Spatial Resolution Multispectral & Object Height Data for Urban Environmental Monitoring (View)Externer Link2016
Michael Voltersen (MSc Geoinformatik)
Integrated analysis of urban structure types and land surface temperatures utilizing remote sensing data and methodsMartin Thurner (Co-Supervision with University Stockholm)
Carbon stock and carbon turnover of boreal and temperate forestsRalph Adeyinka Adewoye (MSc Forest Resources Management)
Afromontane Forest Ecosystem Studies with Multi-Source Satellite Data2015
Michael Schlund (MSc Geoinformatik, Co-Supervision with Airbus Defense/Infoterra)
Utilization of bistatic TanDEM-X data to derive land cover informationMatthias Forkel (MSc Geoinformatik, Co-Supervision with MPI f. Biogeochemie, Jena)
Controls on global Greening, Phenology and the Enhanced Seasonal CO2 Amplitude -Integrating Decadal Satellite Observations and Global Ecosystem ModelsNesrin Salepci (MSc-Ing.)
Multi-Sensor Synergy for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry-based Ground Subsidence Monitoring (View)Externer Link2014
Marcel Urban (MSc Geoinformatik)
Multi-Scale Earth Observation of the Arctic Environment A Pan-Arctic Climate and Trend Analysis for the Last Decades (View)Externer LinkFrank Thonfeld (Dipl.-Geogr)
The Impact of Sensor Characteristics and Data Availability on Remote Sensing Based Change Detection2013
Nicolas Ackermann (Dipl.-Ing.)
Growing Stock Volume Estimation in Temperate Forested Areas using a Fusion Approach with SAR Satellites Imagery"Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury (MSc-Ing.)
Evaluation of the Potential of ALOS PALSAR L-band Quadpol Radar Data for the Retrieval of Growing Stock Volumen in SiberiaJeannine Engelbrecht (MSc Co-supervision with University of Cape Town, South Africa) Parameters affecting interferometric coherence and implications for long-term operational monitoring of mining-induced surface deformation
Michael Thiel (Dipl.-Umweltwiss., Co-supervision with Universität Würzburg)
Nutzung von Texturinformationen hochaufgelöster SAR-Daten zur Beschreibung von SiedlungsflächenDipl.-Geol. Nadine Seib (Dipl.-Geol.)
Verwendung von Digitalen Geländemodellen und Fernerkundung für strukturgeologische und geomorphologische Fragestellungen"2012
Valerio Avitabile (Dipl.-Forstwiss.)
Optical Remote Sensing for Biomass Estimation in the Tropics: The Case Study of UgandaMichael Schäfer (Dipl.-Geol., Co-supervision with Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld)
Atmosphäre als Phasenbestandteil der differentiellen Radarinterferometrie und ihr Einfluss auf die Messung von HöhenänderungenWafi Al-Fares (Dipl.-Geogr.)
Historical Land Use/Land cover Classification and its Change Detection Mapping Using Different Remotely Sensed Data from LANDSAT (MSS, TM and ETM+) and Terra (ASTER) Sensors. A Case Study of the Euphrates River Basin in Syria with Focus on Agricultural Irrigation Projects.Anna Görner (Dipl-Geoökol., Co-supervision with MPI f. Biogeochemie, Jena)
Improving data-oriented light-use efficiency models of gross primary productivity with remotely sensed spectral indices2011
Dhanya-lekshmi K. Pillai (MSc Physics, M.Tech (Ocean Tech), MPI f. Biogeochemie, Jena)
Mesoscale simulations and inversions of atmospheric CO2 using airborne and ground-based dataBakr Badawy (MSc Meteorology, MPI f. Biogeochemie, Jena)
Quantifying carbon processes of the terrestrial biosphere in a global atmospheric inversion based on atmospheric mixing ratio, remote sensing and meteorological dataJohn Richard Otukei (University Salzburg, Austria)
Analysis of the potential of multipolarimetric SAR and optical data for land cover mapping -A case study of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park-Uganda2010
Mihai Tanse (Co-supervised Ph.D., Univ. Zaragoza, Spain)
SAR Sensitivity to Burn Severity and Forest Regrowth in Mediterranean Environments -Backscatter and Interferometric Coherence AnalysisOliver Cartus (Ph.D.)
Large Area Forest Stem Volume Mapping Using Synergy of Spaceborne Interferometric Radar and Optical Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Northeast China2008
Lorenzo Bigagli (Co-supervised Ph.D., Univ. Basilicata, Italy)
Study on advanced geomatics services to support GMES applications in Spatial Data Infrastructures2007
Thomans Wutzler (Co-supersived Ph.D., MPI f. Biogeochemie, Jenav)
Projecting the carbon sink of managed forests based on standard forestry dataBirgit Schröder (Co-supervised Ph.D., PIK Potsdam)
Spatial and temporal dynamics of the terrestrial carbon cycle. Assimilation of two decades of optical satellite data into a process-based global vegetation modelThilo Wehrmann (Co-supervised Ph.D., DLR)
Automatisierte Klassifikation von Landnutzung durch Objekterkennung am Beispiel von CORINE Land CoverDaniela Knorr (Ph.D.)
Spatial Modelling of Greenhouse Gas Compartments for improved Full Carbon Accounting in Boreal Ecosystems2006
Birgit Heim (Co-supervised Ph.D., GFZ Potsdam)
Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Lake Baikal’s Surface Waters Using Ocean Colour Satellite Data2005
Christian Beer (Ph.D.)
Klimatische Ursachen der Entwicklung der Biomasse der Wälder Russlands von 1981 bis 1999 -Eine Analyse mittels eines an die boreale Zone angepassten und durch Satellitenprodukte beschränkten dynamischen globalen VegetationsmodellsGuido Grosse (Co-supervised Ph.D., UA Fairbanks, USA)
Characterisation and evolution of periglacial landscapes in Northern Siberia during the Late Quarternary -Remote sensing and GIS studies2004
Christian Thiel (Ph.D.)
Extrahierung hydrologisch relevanter Parameter aus hochaufgelösten polarimetrischen L-Band sowie interferometrischen X-Band SAR-DatenLeif Eriksson (Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D.)
Satellite-Borne L-Band Interferometric Coherence for Forestry Applications in the Boreal Zone2003Dipl.-Ing. Maurizio Santoro (Ph.D.)Estimation of Biophysical Parameters in Boreal Forests from ERS and JERS SAR InterferometryBernd Schieche (Dipl.-Geogr., Ph.D.)
Möglichkeiten der Abgrenzung intensiver und extensiver Landnutzung mittels multitemporaler ERS-Radaraufnahmen in einem mitteleuropäischen Testgebiet2002
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Scipal (Co-supervised Ph.D.,TU Vienna, Austria)
Global Soil Moisture Retrieval from ERS Scatterometer Data2001
Klaus Bongartz (Dipl.-Geogr., Co-supervised Ph.D.,Dept. Geoinformatics)
Untersuchung unterschiedlicher Flächendiskretisierungs-und Modellierungs-konzepte für die hydrologische Modellierung am Beispiel Thüringer VorfluterVolker Hochschild (Dr. rer. nat., Habilitation)
Die Integration hochauflösender Fernerkundungsdaten für die physiographische Parametrisierung von Wasser-und Stofftransport modellen -Fallbeispiele aus Thüringen und dem südlichen AfrikaIrena Hajnsek (Dipl.-Geogr., Ph.D.)
Inversion of Surface parameters using Polarimetric SARDorothe Herpertz (Dipl.-Geogr., Co-sup. Ph.D., Dept. Geoinf.)
Schneehydrologische Modellierung im MittelgebirgsraumHelmut Staudenrausch (Dipl.-Geogr., Co-supervised Ph.D., Dept. Geoinformatics)
Untersuchungen zur hydrologischen Topologie von Landschaftsobjekten für die distributive FlussgebietsmodellierungIna Franke-Scharf (Dipl.-Geogr., Co-supervised Ph.D., Geography-Uni Franfurt/M) Landschafts-und Landnutzungswandel im nigerianischen Tschadbecken -Qualitative und quantitative räumliche Analysen durch Auswertung multitemporaler und multisensoraler Fernerkundungsdaten im Rahmen eines regionalen geographischen Informationssystems
Jena, June 14th 2020
Panels & Awards
- Nomination as Liaison Professor for the Fulbright CommissionExterner Link at the University Jena.
- Nomination to the BMBF SPACES Steering CommitteeExterner Link (Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in the Southern Africa)
- Re-election to the TERENO Advisory BoardExterner Link, the Helmholtz Agency’s Terrestrial Environmental Observatories
- Technical Program Chair, International Astronautical Congress 2018Externer Link in Bremen
- Co-Chair of Working Group “Data Exploitation - Cal/Val, Fusion and Assimilation”Externer Link, CalTech Initiative on International SAR Data Coordination
- Partner in the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Capacity Building and Data DemocracyExterner Link (WGCapD)
- Member of the Thuringian Task Force for the establishment of a DLR Data Analytics Institute in JenaExterner Link
- Appointment as partner to the Global Forest Observations InitiativeExterner Link
- Nomination to the International Council of the Siberian Federal University (Partner of the Russian Academic Excellence ProjecExterner Linkt)
- Nomination to the Science Advisory Board by the Indonesian Government and the Packard Foundation for the Indonesian Peat Prize
- Re-election to DLR’s Senate and as Chair of DLR’s Senate Committee
- Nomination as International Program Chair for the International Astronautical Congress 2018Externer Link in Bremen
- Invitation to the Editorial Board of the new "Siberian Journal of Forest ScienceExterner Link" of the Russian Academy of Science
- Re-election to the TERENO Advisory BoardExterner Link, the Helmholtz Agency’s Terrestrial Environmental Observatories
- Nomination to the Thuringian Academy of SciencesExterner Link (Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt)
- Member of the Evaluation Panel for the Remote Sensing ClusterExterner Link of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- Member of the Evaluation Panel for the Institute of Geography, University ZurichExterner Link
- Nomination as Chair of the DLR Senate Committee
2012 - 2016
- Nomination to the German Science Foundation "German Committee Future EarthExterner Link" (Deutsches Komitee für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in Future Earth)
2011 - 2014
- Lead Author "Land Chapter" for the Carbon Strategy of the Committee on Earth Observation SatellitesExterner Link
- German Federal Cross of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. KlasseExterner Link)
- Nomination to the DLR Senate
- Invited Session Organiser "Global Biomass Monitoring" at the ESA ENVISAT SymposiumExterner Link, Bergen, and the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu
since 2009
- Appointment as Lead of the new GOFC-GOLDExterner Link Working Group "Biomass" (Global Observation of Forest Cover and Global Observation of Land Dynamics), a panel of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation
2007 - 2011
- Appointment to the Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) to the Earth Observation Director of the European Space Agency
2006 - 2012
- Nomination as Earth Observation Specialist to the Space Advisory Group (SAG) of the European Commission for the Framework Programs 7 and 8
2004 - 2010
- Nomination as Earth Observation Expert to the European Space Science Council (ESSC) of the European Science Foundation (ESF)
2003 - 2009
- Appointment as Co-Chair of the Land Cover Implementation Team for GOFC/GOLD (Global Observation of Forest Cover and Global Observation of Land Dynamics, a panel of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (UN FAO) Global Terrestrial Observation System (GTOS))
- Expert Evaluator for the Helmholtz-Society evaluation of GFZ`s "Changing Earth" Programme (Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam)
- Expert Evaluator for the 6th Framework Programme calls on Global Change and Ecosystems, Integrated Projects
2002 - 2008
- Appointment to DLR's "Programmkommission Raumfahrt"
- Expert Evaluator for the Helmholtz-Society evaluation of DLR's Space Programme
- Expert Evaluator for the 5th Framework Programme calls on Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES)
- Appointment as IHDP-LUCC representative for the Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions at UN FAO
- Expert Evaluator for the 5th Framework Programme calls on Global Change, Climate and Biodiversity
- Evaluator for NASA's Research Announcement "Carbon Cycle Science and Related Opportunities in Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems and Applications"
- Appointment to the Scientific Advisory Panel "ALOS Kyoto & Carbon Initiative" of the Japanese Space Agency's (NASDA's) Earth Observation Research Center