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Institut für Geowissenschaften
Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät
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Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Fakultät
Institute und Forschungszentren
Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Institute und Forschungszentren
Institut für Geowissenschaften
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Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Institut für Geowissenschaften
Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche
Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche
Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Ehemalige
Prof. Walzer Geodynamik und Geophysik
Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Prof. Walzer Geodynamik und Geophysik
Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Veröffentlichungen
Jüngere Veröffentlichungen
Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Jüngere Veröffentlichungen
Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes abstracts
Mantle convection
Convection and the Formation of the Principal Reservoirs of the Earth's Silicate Mantle
Time-dependent thermal convection, mantle differentiation and continental-crust growth
Mantle Dynamics - A Case Study.
Stirring in 3-d spherical models of convection in the Earth's mantle
Predictability of Rayleigh-number and continental-growth evolution of a dynamic model of the Earth's mantle
Andean Orogeny and Plate Generation
Towards a dynamical model of Mars' evolution
A Geodynamic Model of the Evolution of the Earth's Chemical Mantle Reservoirs.
A Forward Model of Mantle Convection with Evolving Continents and a Model of the Andean Subduction Orogen
Mantle convection and evolution with growing continents
Real episodic growth of continental crust or artifact of preservation? A 3-D geodynamic model
Continental crust formation: Numerical modelling of chemical evolution and geological implications
Generation of Plate-Tectonic Behavior and a New Viscosity Profile of the Earth's Mantle
Patterns in new dimensionless quantities containing melting temperature, and their dependence on pressure
Tectonic episodicity and convective feedback mechanisms
A new convection-fractionation model for the evolution of the principal geochemical reservoirs of the Earth's mantle
Variation of non-dimensional numbers and a thermal evolution model of the Earth's mantle
Viscosity stratification and a 3-D compressible spherical shell model of mantle evolution
Toward a Thermochemical Model of the Evolution of the Earth's Mantle
Plateness of the oceanic lithosphere and the thermal evolution of the Earth's mantle
Continental Growth and Thermal Convection in the Earth’s Mantle
Geodynamic Mantle Modeling and its Relation to Origin and Preservation of Life
The effects of a variation of the radial viscosity profile on mantle evolution
2D-Modellierung der Konvektion in einem ellipsoidischen Erdmantel mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode
Vermischung in 3D sphärischen Konvektionsmodellen des Erdmantels
Iterative Solvers for Modeling Mantle Convection with Strongly Varying Viscosity
Towards a robust Terra
Zweiphasenströmung im oberen Erdmantel und chemische Differentiation
The core paradox reconsidered
Thermal regime of the Earth's outer core
Whole-Mantle Convection, Continent Generation, and Preservation of Geochemical Heterogeneity
Untersuchung der Konvektion im Erdinneren und dafür wichtiger Materialparameter unter hohem Druck
A new equation of state for high compression
Volume Dependence of Melting Temperature at High Pressure and its Relation to a New Dimensionless Quantity
Elastic and Bonding Properties of Transition Metals
Pressure Dependence of Melting Temperature for Metals
Two equations of state for metals, halides, and oxides
A new high-pressure equation of state for metals
Cohesion in d-state metals at high pressures
Calculations of the Hugoniot Pressure and Pressure Derivative of the Bulk Modulus for Transition Metals
Cohesion in transition metals under high pressures
Systematization of Binary Intermetallic Compounds
Remarks on mantle convection and the Earth's evolution
Systematics of the Binary Intermetallic Phases
Structural Classification of AB-Type Binary Compounds
Melting temperature systematics of binary infermetallic compounds
The application of a pseudopotential approach to the physics of binary intermetallic compounds
On Intermittent Lower-Mantle Convection
Seismic activity of the Pannonian Basin and comparison with other geophysical fields
Seismotectonics of the Pannonian Basin
Comparison of some equation-of-state theories by using experimental high-compression data
Institute und Forschungszentren
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche
Prof. Walzer Geodynamik und Geophysik
Jüngere Veröffentlichungen